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Operation and maintenance methods and contents of transmission lines

Author: Click:580 Time:2022-05-26


1、 Manual patrol

Regular inspection:

It is also called normal patrol. In order to master the operation of the line, timely find hidden dangers in the line itself, auxiliary facilities and line protection areas, and provide basis for line repair, maintenance and status evaluation, it is necessary to observe, check and record the line at a short distance.

Fault patrol:

After the line trips, the patrol is carried out to quickly find out the cause of the fault. The purpose is to find out the fault point and cause. All patrols are carried out around the fault, not the general patrol.

Night patrol:

It is mainly to make up for the equipment defects and abnormal conditions that are difficult to observe during daytime inspection, and generally focuses on equipment overheating defects and spark discharge and corona of parts.

Special patrol:

In case of severe climate change, natural disasters, external forces, abnormal operation and other special circumstances, patrol inspection is carried out to timely discover abnormal phenomena of the line and damage of components. Special patrols shall be carried out in a timely manner, including patrolling the whole line, or focusing on a section or a component as the case may be.

2、 Purpose of daily maintenance of transmission line online monitoring device

In order to frequently master the operation condition of the line, timely discover the line defects and threats to the safe operation, provide the basis for the line maintenance and determine the maintenance content, so as to effectively prevent the occurrence and expansion of accidents.

Related recommendations

The online monitoring, distributed fault location and cable online monitoring equipment for power transmission and distribution lines launched by SHENZHEN DINSEE SMART TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. has been widely used in Southern Power Grid and State Grid, and has achieved good results.

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