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The online monitoring device for hidden dangers of transmission lines makes the hidden dangers of transmission lines "invisible"

Author: Click:637 Time:2022-09-28

[Abstract] Autumn is thick, the weather is crisp, and the weather is getting colder. Now it is an important period for the operation and maintenance of the transmission line, such as the prevention of mountain fire in the transmission line corridor, the p

Autumn is thick, the sky is clear and the weather is getting colder. At present, it is an important period for the operation and maintenance of the transmission line, such as the prevention of mountain fire in the transmission line corridor, the prevention of external damage, and the micro meteorological monitoring. In the early morning of September 28, 2022, although the weather is overcast, someone on the 110 kv line somewhere in Wuzhou, Guangxi has started to get busy. "Everything is normal, no problem"! Finally, this represents that the DX-WPS100-ZH transmission line online hidden danger monitoring device of the line has been successfully installed and officially put into operation.

Electric power is one of the indispensable energy sources for production and life in today's era. The continuous emergence of new technologies also makes people more dependent on electric power. Therefore, it is extremely urgent to ensure the power supply and improve the quality of power supply.

The hidden dangers that the transmission line may encounter in the operation process include the hidden danger of mountain fire, the hidden danger of line external force damage caused by the construction of offline projects, or the line fault caused by serious meteorological disasters.

The daily operation and maintenance of transmission lines are related to the safety of lines and the quality of power supply. Due to the large number of transmission lines, which are often more than ten kilometers long, and the heavy inspection workload, the traditional manual line inspection is prone to blind spots and blind corners, so this method cannot guarantee the quality of inspection and maintenance.

In addition, the traditional online monitoring solution has a single monitoring function, which cannot achieve comprehensive dynamic control, and is difficult and expensive to install, resulting in a lot of repeated installations on the line, increasing the pressure on line operation. Based on this situation, as a solution provider dedicated to the integration of technology development, production, sales and technical services of the smart grid, Shenzhen Dingxin Intelligent Technology has developed the "online monitoring device for hidden dangers of transmission lines",

The online monitoring device for hidden dangers of transmission lines (integrated device) consists of master control unit, communication module, video monitoring device, dual spectrum infrared mountain fire monitoring, laser external protection monitoring, microwave external protection monitoring, micro meteorological monitoring, tower tilt monitoring and other monitoring units, which combine advanced sensing, acquisition, storage, wireless remote network communication, alarm and other technologies. Through the online monitoring device for hidden dangers of transmission lines, It can conduct remote real-time monitoring and alarm for external damage, mountain fire, micrometeorology, tower tilt and other hidden dangers of overhead transmission lines hundreds of miles away. Fully help the power sector to realize remote, online and intelligent operation and maintenance management of transmission lines.


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