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Implement "Individual Operation" and Build "Safety Line"

Author: Click:663 Time:2022-09-30

[Abstract] On the monitoring platform, by turning on the remote inspection individual equipment, it is clear that the operation site, the staff in insulating clothing are changing the drop switch in order, and their every move is transmitted to the platfo

"The staff have arrived at their posts and started to work!" On July 20, the real-time image of the work site of the live replacement of the drop switch on the 561 line of the sub front line appeared simultaneously on the remote monitoring platform of the supply and service command center of the State Grid Anping County Power Supply Company.

On the monitoring platform, by turning on the remote inspection individual equipment, we can clearly see that the work site, the staff in insulating clothing are changing the drop switch in order, and their every move is transmitted to the platform. Once they find violations or non-standard actions, the supervisor will immediately send instructions through the platform to instruct the on-site staff to standardize their operations.

It is reported that since this year, with the goal of guidance, value creation and contribution enhancement, Power Grid Co., Ltd. has integrated and promoted the improvement of quality and efficiency and the construction of new and special enterprises. In order to improve the quality and efficiency of on-site safety control and operation and maintenance management, the company introduced the "individual operation" system, which uses "remote video+Internet plus+mobile terminal" to cover the whole process of on-site work, such as patrol, overhaul, defect elimination, etc. The image data will be transmitted to the background through mobile terminals, and the supply service center will designate a special person to screen various on-site work tracks, control the site safety, and ensure that the operators do their work well. The system not only realizes the flow, node and visualization of safety risk management and control, but also effectively improves the reliability of line power supply.

Up to now, the company has carried out 47 on-site operations through individual operations, found and handled 19 hidden dangers in a timely manner, and corrected 14 violations and irregularities in a timely manner, with a 75% decrease over the same period last year. The fault voltage drop of 10kV distribution network is 20%, and the power supply reliability rate reaches 99.92%, up 0.21% over the same period of last year

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