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Dinsee Smart Technology successfully won the bid for the procurement project of distributed fault location device

Author: Click:757 Time:2022-09-30

[Abstract] In August 2022, the procurement and calibration of the Procurement Project of Distributed Fault Locating Device (Project No.: YT2022-DW078M) for 220kV Outgoing Line and Opposite End Expansion Bay PC Project (Line Part) of Guangxi Rongshui Qingl

In August 2022, Guangxi Rongshui Qinglinshan and Gandong Wind Power Generation Project 220kV Outgoing Line and Opposite end Expansion Bay PC Project (Line Part) Procurement of Distributed Fault Locator (Project No.: YT2022-DW078M) of Guangxi Power Transmission and Transformation Construction Co., Ltd. has been completed, and the transaction results have been announced. Shenzhen Dingxin Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. won the approval of the bidding unit by virtue of its excellent technology, rich industry experience, solutions and reasonable quotation, and successfully won the bid for distributed fault location device in this public bidding procurement of materials.

This bid winning again proves our R&D strength, provides more opportunities for us to continuously improve our ability in the project, and is another strong witness of the company's deep involvement in the power industry.

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The online monitoring, distributed fault location and cable online monitoring equipment for power transmission and distribution lines launched by SHENZHEN DINSEE SMART TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. has been widely used in Southern Power Grid and State Grid, and has achieved good results.

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