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City installation case: Baise communication equipment maintenance

Author: Click:676 Time:2022-10-11

[Abstract] The autumn mood is getting stronger. In order to prepare for the peak of power consumption in winter and make every effort to meet the peak and ensure power supply in winter, a week before the National Day, the intelligent engineers from Shenzh

Autumn is getting stronger. In order to prepare for the peak power consumption in winter, we will try our best to meet the peak and ensure power supply in winter. A week before the National Day, engineers from Shenzhen Dingxin Smart came to Baise, Guangxi, and cooperated with local operation inspection personnel to carry out the installation and commissioning of AI cloud billiard ball machine for online monitoring of transmission line hazards. This is the first online monitoring of transmission line hazards installed on the 500KV transmission line. The purpose is to complete the online monitoring of transmission line hazards across high-speed railways Real time monitoring of key lines in expressways and important transmission channels to avoid common hidden dangers such as external force damage, tower tilt, Tou theft, and ensure the safe operation of lines.

On line monitoring of transmission line hidden danger AI cloud billiard machine is also called channel visualization AI intelligent ball machine monitoring device, which can realize channel visualization of transmission line. The equipment is installed on the line tower. The AI cloud billiard machine can collect on-site data in real time and identify cranes, bulldozers, excavators and other large vehicles, smoke, wire foreign matters within the monitoring range, and the system can actively alert and automatically locate, Immediately issue alarm information to the transmission line inspection team.

Through client software, mobile phone APP and WeChat, the personnel on duty can see the on-site video images and external damage data taken by the camera at any time, so as to ensure that the treatment of hidden dangers of the transmission line is controllable and under control, and greatly reduce the power failure accidents caused by external damage.

At present, the situation of line hidden danger control is grim, and the problem of hidden danger under the transmission line is random. However, the current epidemic situation is grim, and many parts of the country have to carry out control due to the impact of the COVID-19, which brings great difficulties to the patrol inspection work of the transmission line. In order to effectively carry out the prevention and control of external damage of the transmission line, consider the installation of AI cloud billiard machines for online monitoring of transmission line hidden danger, and carry out all-weather visual monitoring of the line, It's a good choice.

At present, our channel visualization AI intelligent ball machine monitoring device has been installed in many provinces and cities across the country, effectively helping power companies to further ensure the stable operation of the power grid.

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Record No.: Yue ICP Bei 2022070794-1 | Website Map XML Map

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