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The online monitoring device for power transmission line laser protection against external force damage is more "smart" with the support of science and technology

Author: Click:615 Time:2022-10-14

[Abstract] The external protection device can really protect the transmission line better in practical use. Let the "electricity" be stably transmitted to thousands of households to ensure the safety of users' electricity, so that people can use "electric

Modern people can not do without "electricity". Whether "electricity" can be stably transmitted to thousands of households is a very important matter for users. However, in the process of transportation, there will be many hidden dangers threatening its "personal safety".

External sabotage is always the enemy of the transmission line. However, people did not wait to be killed. They came up with various solutions to deal with it, but the results were not satisfactory. External sabotage events are still repeated. And this "transmission line laser external protection online monitoring device" (hereinafter referred to as "external protection device") launched by Dingxin Intelligent Technology has achieved satisfactory results in practical application.

This external protection device is not simple in nature. It is equipped with "laser scanning detector" and "AI video monitoring", which can protect the monitoring area 24 hours a day, 24 hours a day, and provide dual protection for the transmission line.

The "laser scanning detector" is composed of two modules: laser measurement and control. It scans the objects passing under the power transmission line through the laser and performs intelligent line crossing analysis to give an alarm or take pictures and videos with the camera. The laser emitted by the device is a kind of safe laser beam, which is invisible to the naked eye and is very safe for human body, and has the advantages of thin beam, high power, stability, etc. As the name implies, the control module is a module that controls the detector and adjusts parameters. The module is characterized by two modes, including automatic mode and manual mode.

The "AI Video Monitoring" module is a high-definition color camera that can rotate 360 degrees continuously. It can perform intelligent identification in real time, and can take photos and videos with the detector to form dual protection. When it detects that foreign matters are close to the transmission line, it will immediately send an alarm through the on-site speaker, and then notify the data center through wireless signal and send a short message to the mobile phone of relevant personnel, who can then shout through the on-site speaker to drive away the construction personnel who violate the line.

The external breaking prevention device can really improve

Protect transmission lines well. Let the "electricity" be stably transmitted to thousands of households to ensure the safety of users' electricity, so that people can use "electricity" without worry and have a better life.

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