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Bolt monitoring device to detect early warning of loose and deformed power towers

Author: Click:308 Time:2023-08-08

By installing the transmission line intelligent bolt online monitoring device, it can realize real-time monitoring and early warning of transmission line tower bolts, guarantee the stable operation of the power system, and bring more convenience and safet

Transmission line tower is an important support structure of the transmission line, bears the suspension of transmission wires and insulator strings, etc., lines, towers less bolt fittings, prolonged use and the influence of the external environment may lead to bolt loosening, bringing failure accidents, resulting in economic losses. Among them, bolt corrosion, bolt quality problems, unqualified materials, poor manufacturing process, etc., are the cause of bolt loosening over the years.

Once the transmission tower bolts are loosened, it will lead to the collapse of the tower, which will bring serious personal safety risks to the surrounding staff and residents, and will also lead to the interruption of the transmission line, affecting the transmission and supply of electricity, and causing impacts on the life and industry of the neighboring areas. If we rely on manual inspection and regular testing, this method has problems such as waste of human resources, long testing period, and inability to monitor in real time.

To this end, DX-WPS100-LS transmission line intelligent bolt online monitoring device was developed by DX-WPS100-LS, which is mainly composed of main control unit, bolt monitoring unit, communication unit, power supply unit, mounting bracket and auxiliary materials. Through the bolt monitoring unit to monitor the tower, the device in the sensor can accurately perceive the bolt fastening state and force, and real-time data transmission management personnel, to help electric power staff timely detection and timely measures to solve the problem, to prevent the tower tilt collapse caused by economic losses.

By installing the transmission line intelligent bolt online monitoring device, it can realize real-time monitoring and early warning of transmission line tower bolts, guarantee the stable operation of the power system, and bring more convenience and safety for the economic development of the society and the people's life.

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