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Overhead Line Intelligent Integrated Monitoring Device Realizes Fully Automatic Line Inspection

Author: Click:306 Time:2023-08-28

Recent typhoons, and rainstorms form a "standard" strong incoming, the formation of a certain threat to the transmission lines, resulting in

Recent typhoons, and rainstorms form a "standard" strong incoming, the formation of a certain threat to the transmission lines, resulting in transmission lines have wire dance broken, power equipment damage, tower tilt and collapse risk, will cause considerable economic losses.

However, in daily operation, the operation of transmission lines is not only affected by typhoons, but also by severe weather such as lightning, snowstorms and other factors such as mountain fires and external damage, which can have an impact on the operation of the lines, resulting in line failures and power interruptions. In order to comprehensively protect the stability of power supply, it is necessary to install our overhead line intelligent integrated monitoring device on the transmission tower to comprehensively monitor the transmission line.

Overhead Line Intelligent Comprehensive Monitoring Device DX-WPS100-SP3 has AI intelligent comprehensive analysis function, with multi-dimensional sensors real-time collection of data such as hill fire, external breakage, ice cover, tower tilt, micro-weather, wire clamp temperature, dance, arc droop, bolt loosening, etc., and through the high-definition camera on the line channel and the tower tower base of the image video monitoring, intelligent identification of potential safety hazards, and then through the 4G/5G/WIFI/OPGW fiber-optic network will be the data and images and videos to the monitoring center to achieve fully automatic line inspection.

This is a 220kV transmission line in Huaihua, Hunan Province, the installation of our overhead line intelligent integrated monitoring device, with this set of equipment, the transmission line will be able to prevent disasters and failures in advance, and comfortably cope with a variety of complex environments, and improve the stability of power grid operation.

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