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Distribution network traveling wave type fault early warning and positioning device, do the distribution network inspection

Author: Click:333 Time:2023-09-04

Whether it is a busy city neighborhood, or remote mountain villages, there are distribution lines, they not only connect the power plant and power use

Whether it is a busy city neighborhood, or remote mountain villages, there are distribution lines, they not only connect the power plant and power users, but also a key link to protect people's normal use of electricity. They deliver power to every family, light up every lamp, warm every corner, make people's daily life more convenient and comfortable, which also makes the reliable operation of distribution lines directly affects the power users' experience.

At present, there are problems such as frequent failures and difficulties in troubleshooting of power distribution lines. Specifically manifested in the following aspects:

1. Huge scale of distribution network: China's electric power distribution system is large in scale and covers a wide range of areas, including urban low-voltage distribution networks, rural power grids, urban underground cables and so on. Among them, the rural power grid has problems such as line aging and inadequate maintenance, which are prone to failure.

2. Unstable power supply quality: Due to the contradiction between supply and demand and the adjustment of energy structure, the quality of power supply in some areas is unstable, and there are frequent power outages and tripping phenomena.

3. Impact of weather environment: Bad weather conditions (e.g. strong winds, heavy rain, lightning strikes, etc.) can easily lead to faults in the distribution network system. And troubleshooting in a complex environment also increases the difficulty.

4. Aging and damage of equipment: Some distribution network equipment such as insulators, transformers, conductors, etc. have aging and damage problems, which can easily lead to faults.

5. Outdated troubleshooting technology: traditional troubleshooting methods mainly rely on manual inspection and empirical judgment, which can not quickly and accurately locate the fault point, and the troubleshooting time is long and inefficient.

In view of the above problems, the distribution network fault traveling wave accurate positioning device can provide fast and accurate fault location solutions to improve the reliability of the power system and the quality of power supply. Our distribution network traveling wave fault early warning and positioning device is equipped with mature traveling wave ranging technology, the sensor is installed on the conductor, collects the line running waveform and fault information, and uploads the data to the backend service terminal through APN wireless network or fiber optic to realize the accurate judgment and positioning of faults under the common short-circuit faults and grounding faults.

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The online monitoring, distributed fault location and cable online monitoring equipment for power transmission and distribution lines launched by SHENZHEN DINSEE SMART TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. has been widely used in Southern Power Grid and State Grid, and has achieved good results.

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