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Tower tilt monitoring device, early warning tower tilt, deformation, collapse

Author: Click:283 Time:2023-09-11

Towers, including transmission towers and communication towers, of which power towers are support structures for power transmission, maintain the stab

Towers, including transmission towers and communication towers, of which power towers are support structures for power transmission, maintain the stability of transmission lines, support conductors and insulators, and bear the loads and wind pressure on the lines. With the continuous extension of the length of China's transmission lines, the number of towers is also increasing, the existence of natural disasters and man-made destruction and other factors, making the safety of the tower is at risk, how to refine the operation and maintenance, has become a problem that needs to be carefully considered.

In addition to the plains, more power tower construction in the mountainous areas, the mountain road is bumpy, manual patrol is a physical job, and for the sudden tilt of the tower, the collapse of the phenomenon, can not quickly know.

The tilt of the power tower may be caused by the following reasons:

1 、 Geological conditions: the riverbed area, the foundation is not strong, coal mining hollow area surface subsidence, wet and soft soil, landslides and other problems may lead to tower tilt.

2 、 Weather factors: such as typhoons, rainstorms and snow and ice disasters and other extreme weather conditions will produce greater wind pressure or impact on the tower, especially in mountainous areas or seaside areas, secondary disasters, the tower is more likely to be impacted by natural disasters, resulting in tilting phenomenon occurs.

3, external reasons: such as civil construction, traffic accidents or other man-made activities may also have an impact on the tower.

4, design and construction problems: the design and construction of the tower may be defective, such as the foundation is not solid, poor quality of materials or improper construction operations.

In order to cope with this situation, it is necessary to strengthen the monitoring and protection of transmission lines, such as installing online monitoring equipment, real-time detection of tower status, early warning, intelligent operation and maintenance.

DINSEE DX-WPS100-QJ tower tilt monitoring and early warning program of DX-WPS100-QJ takes high-precision sensor technology as the core, consumes less energy and transmits data faster, collects line data such as longitudinal tilt angle, transverse tilt angle and comprehensive tilt angle, and sends it to the monitoring center through 4G/5G/WIFI wireless network and electric power special network to monitor the tilt angle in real time, and will push the specific warning information through the background and SMS when the tilt angle of the pole tower is over the set threshold. When the tilt angle of the tower exceeds the set threshold, it will push the specific warning information of the tilted tower through the background and SMS. To solve the tower tilt, collapse, deformation, tower base displacement and other integrated intelligent monitoring, early warning response.

According to the warning information, the power department can rush to the scene to confirm and take corresponding measures, such as reinforcing the foundation or replacing the tower, etc., in order to ensure the safe operation of high-voltage transmission lines.

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The online monitoring, distributed fault location and cable online monitoring equipment for power transmission and distribution lines launched by SHENZHEN DINSEE SMART TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. has been widely used in Southern Power Grid and State Grid, and has achieved good results.

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