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Power line anti-vandalism early warning and detection devices to extinguish the first signs of accidents

Author: Click:283 Time:2023-09-22

Many areas because of external damage caused by power outages, in the accidental power outages accounted for more than half, some construction units i

Many areas because of external damage caused by power outages, in the accidental power outages accounted for more than half, some construction units in the use of cranes, concrete trucks, excavators, towers and other equipment, operation, management is not standardized, or limited to the blind spot of vision, it will lead to the increased risk of damage to overhead lines and cables. In particular, some projects can not be avoided in the vicinity of the line protection zone, it increases the risk of line operation hazards, not only will lead to the destruction of power facilities and equipment, the area blackout, but also may cause serious casualties and property damage!

External damage caused by conductor damage, broken wire, tower cross-arm deformation ... ... repair difficulty, need to spend a lot of repair time. In addition, vegetable greenhouse plastic film fluttering in the high-voltage lines, power lines in the protected area of the forest growth fast touching the conductor, extrusion line space, drone patrol accidentally fell on the conductor, etc., are a form of external damage, are likely to trigger power line failure, involving personal safety, resulting in safety accidents, and even directly affect the production of enterprises, as well as ordinary people's normal use of electricity.

Reduce the hidden danger of external damage, strengthen the line control, see our company DX-WPS100-JG type power line anti-external damage warning and detection device (anti-external damage online monitoring device), through the installation in the monitoring point tower, its laser detector can be all-weather obstacle-free detection of vehicles, cranes appearing in the line protection zone over the height of the phenomenon, and immediately start the AI camera video recording, the above data and information through the 4G / 5G wireless network sent to the relevant mobile phone platform monitoring software, so that the power people real-time check and receive, determine the line hidden danger, and timely elimination of defects. The above data information is sent to the associated cell phone and computer platform monitoring software through 4G/5G wireless network, so that the electricians can check and receive in real time, determine the hidden danger of the line and eliminate the defects in time. In addition, the equipment can also extend the wireless tweeter, sound and light alarm, near power alarm, on-site warning to stop.

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The online monitoring, distributed fault location and cable online monitoring equipment for power transmission and distribution lines launched by SHENZHEN DINSEE SMART TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. has been widely used in Southern Power Grid and State Grid, and has achieved good results.

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