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Distributed Fault Diagnostic Unit Primary Diagnostic Transmission Line

Author: Click:341 Time:2023-09-26

Recently, thunderstorms are particularly frequent, in our prevention, lightning at the same time, we also need to pay attention to the safety and prot

Recently, thunderstorms are particularly frequent, in our prevention, lightning at the same time, we also need to pay attention to the safety and protection of outdoor power grids and transmission lines. The power of lightning should not be underestimated, once hit the grid transmission lines, will not only cause damage to electrical equipment, but also may cause fire and casualties. Installation of lightning protection devices is to protect the grid transmission lines of important initiatives, but although the lightning protection devices can play a certain orientation and dispersion of lightning energy, however, a wide range of lightning triggered by the line short-circuit, grounding accident incidence is still not in the minority.

In addition to line faults caused by lightning strikes, transmission lines may also suffer from non-lightning strike faults brought about by tree barriers, hill fires, kites plastic floats and various other forms.

In addition to preventive efforts, rapid diagnosis and localization of the fault point is the primary problem, so that the operation and maintenance personnel to carry out repair work to shorten the time of power outage for any reason.

TD Tech Distributed Fault Diagnostic Device can quickly and accurately locate the line fault point, each installation point is equipped with a set of three monitoring terminals installed in the conductor distribution, close to capture the instantaneous fault traveling wave signals, not only can identify lightning/non-lightning faults, and accurately identify the faults of bypassing/counterattacks, real-time and accurate data sent wirelessly to the background central station, operation and maintenance personnel in the computer/mobile phone can view the specific information sent to the fault point at any time, through the redundancy mechanism between the multiple on-site monitoring terminals, so that the fault location of the reliability of more than 99%.

Related recommendations

The online monitoring, distributed fault location and cable online monitoring equipment for power transmission and distribution lines launched by SHENZHEN DINSEE SMART TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. has been widely used in Southern Power Grid and State Grid, and has achieved good results.

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