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Intelligent substation auxiliary system integrated monitoring to the substation operation and maintenance "on the string".

Author: Click:293 Time:2023-10-07

To protect the normal use of electricity by residents, which can be said to be the primary task of grid operation and maintenance personnel.As we all

To protect the normal use of electricity by residents, which can be said to be the primary task of grid operation and maintenance personnel.

As we all know, the transmission line is the transmission of electricity, what about the substation?

These three words are familiar to us, and the role of the substation can be great! In addition to changing the voltage, its main role is to control and distribute electricity, is the user of electricity and power company production and operation of the "lifeline".

In the face of the complex and changing power market and the ever-changing development of science and technology, the inspection of power substations is also facing new challenges, for the front-line operation and maintenance personnel to reduce the burden and increase efficiency, and to realize the remote monitoring and maintenance of power equipment, which will greatly improve the reliability and stability of the operation of the substation. Under the development trend of smart grid, intelligent substation as a key link in the power system, the importance of comprehensive monitoring of its auxiliary system is becoming more and more prominent Our DX-BTS100-ZF substation intelligent auxiliary monitoring system is a comprehensive auxiliary control system, with intelligent perception and intelligent control as the main goal, it is able to complete all-weather condition monitoring and intelligent control. The system has several sub-systems, and the objects of comprehensive monitoring include: the electrical equipment of the whole station, the installation locations of key equipment, the surrounding environment, etc. It is capable of realizing the data collection and monitoring of the environment, video, safety protection, fire and fire prevention, heating and ventilation, lighting, face recognition, access control, transformer, and power distribution, and proactive alarming and after-action analysis. Real-time monitoring of the operating status of equipment, timely detection and treatment of potential failures, thereby improving the operational efficiency and stability of substation equipment. In addition, intelligent substations also feature automatic optimization of energy utilization, which can effectively reduce operating costs and improve the economic efficiency of the power grid. 

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