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Laser anti-external breakage visualization device guards transmission line safety red line

Author: Click:276 Time:2023-10-30

At the end of the year, all industries are scrambling for performance to catch up, but for the construction industry, there are greater risks. Because

At the end of the year, all industries are scrambling for performance to catch up, but for the construction industry, there are greater risks. Because of the special nature of construction works, there are more safety factors involved, and a hint of carelessness may cause major accidents. Especially at the end of the year to catch up with the schedule, workers usually work overtime and drive fatigued, and are prone to misjudgment or improper operation.

With the increasing number of infrastructure projects, power line corridors within the road repair, buried pipelines, urban construction, engineering construction and other phenomena are few. The line, the tower protection responsibility in place, in addition to overhaul tasks, but also to strengthen the daily monitoring patrol. Transmission line laser anti-vandalism online monitoring device, our transmission line anti-vandalism early warning device using laser line sensor real-time detection of line protection zone intrusion of suspicious objects, and linkage AI intelligent camera to capture photos and video, the above data and external alarm information will be sent to the associated cell phone, computer platform monitoring software through 4G/5G wireless network, the relevant personnel can view in real time, receive Early warning information, clear on-site failure point cause, location. "Master, your crane arm is close to the high voltage line above!" For similar on-site emergencies, you can also remotely control the shouting scene in the background, to achieve uninterrupted prevention and control of the line corridor, effectively reducing the line of external damage events!

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The online monitoring, distributed fault location and cable online monitoring equipment for power transmission and distribution lines launched by SHENZHEN DINSEE SMART TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. has been widely used in Southern Power Grid and State Grid, and has achieved good results.

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