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Transmission line wire fixture temperature measurement device, real-time "temperature measurement" to improve the efficiency of power grid operation

Author: Click:245 Time:2023-11-06

Power equipment in the use of the process will produce a large amount of heat, generally does not cause a great impact on the operation of the line, b

Power equipment in the use of the process will produce a large amount of heat, generally does not cause a great impact on the operation of the line, but if the line is in a long-term high load operation, high ambient temperature, poor contact and so on, the temperature of the equipment will rise sharply, which may lead to overloading, failure or damage to the equipment, and even lead to fires and other safety accidents.

In the transmission line inspection, inspectors will use the temperature measuring instrument to detect the temperature of the equipment, in order to determine the operating status of the power supply equipment, through the temperature measurement can also find the potential problems of the equipment, take timely measures to prevent failures, reduce the cost of maintenance and replacement of equipment, and improve the service life of the equipment and the reliability of operation.

Through the inspection temperature measurement can prevent equipment high temperature failure to a certain extent, but this temperature measurement method of low timeliness, equipment overheating is a transmission line in the more serious problems in the common faults, but also often the problem, it is because of the frequency of occurrence of high, so the need to improve the frequency of temperature measurement, you can use the Dinshin wisdom of the transmission line wire fittings temperature measurement device.

The device can collect real-time temperature of transmission line conductors and fittings through temperature sensors, and transmit the data back to the monitoring center through 4G/5G/WIFI wireless network, which helps inspectors to remotely master the heating condition of the line, and also has the function of alarm for temperature exceeding the high level, which can be set up in accordance with the needs of the alarm value, so that the line temperature is abnormal in time, and ensures the line's normal operation, and supports the access to the intranet platform of each provincial company. It supports access to the intranet platform of each provincial company and encrypts the data to improve the operational efficiency and security of the power grid.

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