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Smart Distribution Room Construction Program

Author: Click:237 Time:2023-12-14

First, why the need to build smart distribution room?1, the number of neighborhoods skyrocketed, the relative increase in the distribution room, maint

First, why the need to build smart distribution room?

1, the number of neighborhoods skyrocketed, the relative increase in the distribution room, maintenance manpower is extremely short.

2、Inefficiency of inspection by day and week.

3、Many risk factors, manual inspection is difficult to detect potential problems.

4、Failure is difficult to prevent and control, once the operation is abnormal, the entire neighborhood will be blackout.

5、Multiple districts can not be centralized maintenance, not clear about the real-time status of each distribution room.

Second, the introduction of intelligent distribution room intelligent auxiliary system

Distribution room intelligent auxiliary system integrates collection, control, alarm and other features, and can monitor high-voltage cabinets, low-voltage cabinets, switchgear, water leakage, access control, smoke, ozone, methane, sulfur hexafluoride, oxygen, air conditioners, fans, humidifiers, dehumidifiers and other equipment.

Through the system's intelligent acquisition, information analysis, storage and processing functions, it realizes online statistics, chart display, equipment control, intelligent alarm, authority management and other functions for monitoring data.

It can not only show the overall operation of the power distribution room in real time, but also automatically notify the faults and improve the level of emergency treatment and maintenance of the power distribution room.

Characteristics of intelligent distribution room monitoring system

1、Support IEC61850 protocol, docking power department platform without difficulty.

2、Support cloud platform, realize the integrated management of multiple distribution rooms.

3、Development of interfaces and data to realize third-party docking.

4、Real-time database, concurrent collection, stable, reliable and efficient.

5、Human-machine interface friendly, monitoring system at a glance, the use of the operation is simple and easy to learn.

5、Linkage strategy development, rapid response to emergency plans.

Intelligent power distribution room construction program - Smart Auxiliary System has excellent networking architecture, which can be incorporated into LAN for monitoring and control and WAN for management, and can operate and maintain a single power distribution room and unify hundreds of power distribution rooms, which can effectively reduce the problems of operation and maintenance of the power distribution room and improve the protection of power, environment and safety, so that the power system can operate for a longer period of time and be more stable.

Related recommendations

The online monitoring, distributed fault location and cable online monitoring equipment for power transmission and distribution lines launched by SHENZHEN DINSEE SMART TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. has been widely used in Southern Power Grid and State Grid, and has achieved good results.

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