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Intelligent integrated alarm device (anti-fishing special), to protect the safety of wild fishing

Author: Click:183 Time:2024-01-30

"Just yesterday, one of our local anglers, just in his early 30s, was electrocuted and passed away under a high voltage line!" Brushing to t

"Just yesterday, one of our local anglers, just in his early 30s, was electrocuted and passed away under a high voltage line!" Brushing to this video, I feel palpitating.

How much do you know about fishing under high voltage lines?

Fishing is a way of leisure for many people, but in the process of fishing, if you accidentally throw the fishing rod (line) above the high voltage line, it is a tragedy. Therefore, it is necessary for us to understand the safety knowledge of fishing and high voltage lines to avoid similar accidents. The main function of high-voltage lines is to transmit the electricity generated by power plants to various locations where electricity is used. Since the voltage of high-voltage lines is very high, in the event of an electrocution accident, the electric current will pass through the human body quickly, causing serious damage to human tissues and may even lead to death.

Why is it so serious? Because 35 kV and above high-voltage transmission lines are bare aluminum wires without insulation, that is, they are "directly charged"! Fishing rods on the market basically use carbon fiber material, the carbon fiber itself is a conductor, and, after soaking the fishing line is also conductive. In fact, not to mention, once the water, the fishing gear itself is a good conductor.

But even if there is a warning sign nearby, it is easy to be directly ignored by the anglers, since the "dumb" warning signs can not attract the attention of the anglers, then let the Diners Club Wisdom Technology high-voltage lines under the anti-angling intelligent warning rod out of it!

High-voltage line anti-angling intelligent warning pole belongs to the intelligent integrated alarm device (anti-fishing special), the device has intelligent high-precision detection function, capable of behavioral identification, automatic playback of the alarm voice and red and blue light flashing, to remind the personnel of the high-voltage danger to stay away from, and linkage of high-definition cameras immediately take pictures and send them back to the monitoring center, early warning reminders, the staff can also be remotely linked to the scene to stop the dangerous angling behavior.

You can stand it in the transmission lines across the fish ponds, reservoirs, rivers and other areas, such as high-voltage lines prohibit fishing areas, railroads prohibit fishing areas, and take measures to ensure that the wild fishing safety!

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