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Cable sheath ground loop current online monitoring device application principle and installation considerations

Author: Click:149 Time:2024-02-27

The problem of cable sheath ring current has always been a key concern for cable operation. The size of the ring current with the cable length and the

The problem of cable sheath ring current has always been a key concern for cable operation. The size of the ring current with the cable length and the current flowing through the cable, long-term sheath ring current will lead to accelerated aging of the cable insulation, affecting the service life of the cable. Under certain circumstances, the cable sheath ring current can even reach 50% ~ 95% of the cable conductor load current value, seriously endangering the cable equipment and personal safety.

How to detect cable loop current abnormality in advance to prevent the occurrence of cable grounding and larger faults? The following will introduce the application of one of our cable sheath grounding loop current online monitoring device:

Application Principle

Cable sheath ground loop current online monitoring device DX-DLS100-HL collects cable loop current data through the current transformer installed on the metal sheath lead line, at the same time, one end of the voltage collection device is directly connected to the metal sheath, and the other end is connected to the data collector, so that it can get the voltage value of the metal sheath. Through the wireless network, the data will be sent to the monitoring center for storing, analyzing and displaying, the data abnormality will be alarmed automatically, and the specific location of the abnormality point can also be displayed on the electronic map of the monitoring center.

Installation Precautions

1, you need to plan in advance the installation location, generally installed in the high fault section, such as cable terminals, joints, etc., conditions allow, try to install multiple sensors in different nodes to carry out more monitoring.

2, confirm the wiring of the sensor to ensure that the monitoring equipment and the normal connection of the cable. Installation of monitoring equipment as close as possible to the sensor, but also take into account the equipment lightning and protection issues.

3, the network connection, ensure smooth communication, facilitate the monitoring system can be normal data transmission and processing.

Related recommendations

The online monitoring, distributed fault location and cable online monitoring equipment for power transmission and distribution lines launched by SHENZHEN DINSEE SMART TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. has been widely used in Southern Power Grid and State Grid, and has achieved good results.

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