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Precise fault localization device for overhead transmission lines: accurate detection of lesions and timely fault alarms

Author: Click:158 Time:2024-02-28

As far as overhead transmission lines are concerned, most of them are set outdoors, especially in high mountains, where high-voltage transmission line

As far as overhead transmission lines are concerned, most of them are set outdoors, especially in high mountains, where high-voltage transmission lines are more widely distributed. These lines are located outdoors and often have to face climatic problems such as wind, rain, lightning, snow and other natural disasters such as mountain fires and tree barriers. At the same time, overhead transmission lines have an open environment and are erected relatively high, so although lightning protection is taken, lightning accidents still occur from time to time. Some areas also have to face extreme environments such as storms, snowstorms and thunderstorms from time to time.

Due to the transmission line by the climate, environmental impact, prone to large-scale power outages, not only will disrupt the rhythm of people's lives, production, resulting in property and economic losses, but also may lead to casualties and other critical situations. In order to strengthen the power supply company's ability to cope with a variety of emergencies, you can take advantage of our overhead transmission line fault location device DX-WPS100-GZ01 to discover the lesions, take timely and effective targeted prevention and repair measures, and control the adverse effects of the accident to a small.

Working Principle

Overhead transmission line fault location device through the monitoring line fault traveling wave signal, through 4G/5G and other wireless methods sent back to the background data center, using traveling wave ranging technology can be quickly measured the location of the fault point, the positioning error does not exceed 300 meters, but also intelligent analysis of the cause of the fault, including short-circuit faults, disconnection faults, etc., lightning faults can be identified as a rapping or counter-strike, and generate fault diagnostic results It can also intelligently analyze the causes of faults, including short-circuit faults, broken faults, etc. Lightning faults can be identified as rapping or counter-strike, and fault diagnosis results can be generated.

Product Showcase

A set of three units is installed on the transmission line conductors using a distributed ground method:

It looks like this inside:

Application Case Show

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Related recommendations

The online monitoring, distributed fault location and cable online monitoring equipment for power transmission and distribution lines launched by SHENZHEN DINSEE SMART TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. has been widely used in Southern Power Grid and State Grid, and has achieved good results.

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