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Distribution network operation safety is affected by a variety of factors, traveling wave type fault warning and positioning device to ensure power supply stability

Author: Click:152 Time:2024-02-29

The operation of the distribution network is closely related to climate, environment and other factors. In the environment of high temperature and hig

The operation of the distribution network is closely related to climate, environment and other factors. In the environment of high temperature and high humidity, the insulating property of distribution line conductors may decline, increasing the risk of line short circuit; while in windy and low temperature areas, there may be conductor dancing, ice covering and line tripping and blackout and other problems; line lightning strikes caused by thunderstorms are also frequent failures in the operation of the distribution network.

The different terrain of the terrain will also have a certain impact on the operation of the distribution network. For example, mountainous areas with complex terrain, line operation is difficult, not only susceptible to landslides, earthquakes and other natural disasters, dense forests are also prone to tree height phenomenon, triggering line short-circuits; and in the city, the high-density distribution of buildings, the line direction may be restricted, and often suffers from damage to the line by external forces, resulting in damage to the line, the power supply is interrupted.

All the above problems show that the distribution network operation is difficult, and the distribution network is a key link in the power supply, once the failure, people's life will be affected. In order to improve the reliability of the distribution network, Shenzhen Dingxin Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. has launched the distribution network traveling wave type fault warning and positioning device, which helps to optimize the operation and maintenance structure of the distribution network and improve the stability of power supply of the distribution network.

The distribution network traveling wave type fault early warning and positioning device DX-WPS100-GZ03 adopts the combination of traveling wave method and transient method, which can realize the ground fault routing. By monitoring and analyzing the fault traveling wave signals generated by the faults, the fault location is accurately calculated according to the time difference of the arrival of the fault traveling wave signals and the causes of the faults, such as short-circuits, circuit breaks, etc., can be identified. The fault results are uploaded to the monitoring center through the wireless communication module for the reference of operation and maintenance personnel.

In addition, the device also has insulation hazard monitoring function, real-time monitoring of line insulation defects caused by periodic high-frequency discharge signals to the ground, statistics and early warning of the discharge development trend.

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