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High-voltage lines to prevent external breakage warning ball, anti-electrocution added "nanny level" warning

Author: Click:180 Time:2024-03-06

In the vast sky, overhead high-voltage transmission lines like a dragon, winding through the mountains and rivers, towns and villages around. I do not

In the vast sky, overhead high-voltage transmission lines like a dragon, winding through the mountains and rivers, towns and villages around. I do not know whether you have found, there are many overhead lines wrapped in a brightly colored, conspicuous "small ball", many people will even take a cell phone to zoom in to see, are curious about what this is? In fact, this is what we have to say today - high-voltage line anti-outbreak warning ball, they are decorated with them, play a role in preventing electric shock, collision prevention.

High-voltage lines to prevent the external breakage of the warning ball appearance of high-profile and colorful, but in the wire but not out of place, these "small embellishments" is in fact the crystallization of great wisdom. Bright colors make the warning ball is particularly eye-catching, far away from the flying objects and remind the passing vehicles and pedestrians below to keep the distance.

In addition to these, it is also worth mentioning the degree of intelligence, the source of energy for the work of the device is the wire induction power / lithium batteries, wires installed on the high-voltage line to prevent external breakage of the warning ball, it will be all-weather blinking warning (line power equipment LED flashing, line power equipment LED does not flash); In addition, its built-in high sensitivity sensors in real time to detect people, cars and other foreign objects close to the set distance, and quickly issued a "High-voltage danger" sound alarm, to prevent towers, cranes and other vehicles touching the sphere where the wire. Its unique anti-corrosion, anti-rust technology, but also to ensure that they are in the rain, snow, ice, oil and other environments can be durable, for the safe operation of high-voltage lines to provide a solid barrier. From a scientific point of view, their weight and volume have been carefully designed by our R & D team, with the same potential as the operating line, which will not produce excessive load on the line, but also to ensure sufficient warning effect.

In practical application, the warning ball plays an indispensable role, especially in densely populated areas or areas with complex natural environments, overhead high-voltage transmission lines with it, like an invisible barrier, always reminding people to stay alert and away from high-voltage danger.

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