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Distributed Fault Diagnostic Precision Locating Device, Provides Strong Support for Line Troubleshooting

Author: Click:175 Time:2024-03-07

In modern society, electric energy has become an indispensable and important support for life and industrial development. With the increasingly large

In modern society, electric energy has become an indispensable and important support for life and industrial development. With the increasingly large and complex power system, how to quickly and accurately diagnose and repair faults in the power grid has become a key issue to ensure the stable operation of the power system. Distributed fault diagnosis device is precisely the apparatus equipment introduced to solve this problem, which utilizes the integration of traveling wave ranging as well as Internet of Things (IoT) technology to provide a constructive solution for line fault repair.

The development of DX-WPS100-GZ01 distributed fault diagnostic technology has benefited from the rise of the smart grid concept. Smart grid emphasizes the self-perception, self-decision-making and self-repair ability of the grid, and the distributed fault diagnosis device is a concrete practice to realize this concept. The device through the monitoring end of the line installed in the monitoring end of the key nodes of the conductor real-time monitoring and capture a variety of lightning strikes, non-lightning strikes generated by the abnormal frequency current and traveling wave current waveforms and other key data parameters, you can quickly locate the point of failure, and to start the pre-set fault information dissemination and other processing processes.

Specifically, the distributed fault diagnostic device contains three core components: sensing unit, communication unit and analysis and processing unit, each set of three groups of monitoring end, a single set of device monitoring range can reach 30 kilometers of the line length, in the automatic recording of high-precision GPS clock under the premise of the line lightning and non-lightning fault identification accuracy of more than 95%, can cover a small range of transmission line sections, can also be adapted to cross-regional large-scale transmission network. It can also be adapted to cross-regional large-scale transmission networks.

Distributed fault diagnostic devices not only improve the reliability and security of the power grid, but also significantly reduce maintenance costs and outage time. In traditional troubleshooting methods, maintenance personnel often need to inspect lines on site, which is time-consuming and inefficient. Now, with the help of distributed fault diagnostic devices, maintenance personnel can quickly learn the details of the fault and develop a more repair program. This not only shortens the repair time, but also reduces the economic losses caused by faults, and its development and application is undoubtedly an important innovation in the process of power system intelligence.

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