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What is the difference between a layman's view of "distribution network traveling wave fault early warning and localization device" and a layman's view of "distribution network traveling wave fault early warning and localization device"?

Author: Click:153 Time:2024-03-11

Early warning and localization of traveling wave faults in distribution networks may sound like an esoteric technology, as if it has nothing to do wit

Early warning and localization of traveling wave faults in distribution networks may sound like an esoteric technology, as if it has nothing to do with the lives of ordinary people. But in fact, this technology is closely related to our daily life, only we do not often have the opportunity to understand it. Today, let us unveil its mystery and see its unique role in our lives.

Distribution network traveling wave fault warning and localization device, as its name suggests, its main function is to warn and locate (short circuit, small current grounding, etc.) faults in grid distribution lines.

"Electricity" is an indispensable part of our daily life, whether it is home electricity, or industrial production, can not be separated from the support of electricity. However, the power system in the operation process, there will inevitably be a variety of faults, such as short-circuit, grounding, equipment aging, etc., these faults if not dealt with in a timely manner, not only affect the power supply, and may even lead to safety accidents. At this time, the distribution network traveling wave fault early warning and positioning device plays an important role. It can continuously track and monitor voltage deviation, frequency deviation, harmonics, voltage fluctuation and flicker, three-phase unbalance and other indicators by detecting traveling wave signals on the power line, and indicate grounding, short circuit, low voltage, heavy overload alarm, and at the same time, analyze the propagation characteristics of traveling wave signals to locate the location of the faults (specific intervals, tower location), and the fault location accuracy reaches within a hundred meters, which provides a basis for the rapid handling of the faults. The fault location accuracy reaches within one hundred meters, which provides the basis for the rapid processing of the fault.

For us ordinary people, this means that, with this device, our power supply will be more stable, no longer need to worry about the distribution lines because of the sudden "small problems" that affect our lives. For example, when we use computers, TVs and other electrical appliances, we no longer need to worry about sudden power outages; in industrial production, we can also ensure the stable operation of the production line to improve productivity.

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The online monitoring, distributed fault location and cable online monitoring equipment for power transmission and distribution lines launched by SHENZHEN DINSEE SMART TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. has been widely used in Southern Power Grid and State Grid, and has achieved good results.

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