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New Favorite of Construction Sites! Four amazing features of the smart helmet!

Author: Click:174 Time:2024-03-13

Smart helmet is a new type of product that applies IoT technology to helmets with functions of sensing, monitoring and alarming, which can provide mor

Smart helmet is a new type of product that applies IoT technology to helmets with functions of sensing, monitoring and alarming, which can provide more comprehensive and intelligent safety protection, and also make the traditional on-site management more complete and efficient.

Application Background

With the continuous progress of society, the concept of safety production has been deeply rooted in people's hearts, and the requirements for safety production are getting higher and higher. Safety helmets are mainly used in construction work and production in outdoor sites and some indoor plants, however, most of the application scenarios have many points and a wide range of personnel positioning, command and control, as well as difficult safety management, which makes it easy for safety accidents to occur, and requires the establishment of a more complete safety management system.

What benefits can smart helmets bring to site safety management?

1. Real names of personnel

Shenzhen Dinsee Smart Technology Co., Ltd's smart helmet DX-WPS100-X3B adopts a one-person-one-hat approach, each entry personnel first real-name registration, entered into the management background, and bound with the smart helmet device, the system can record all the entry personnel equipment information, record personnel attendance.

2. Positioning

Access to the Beidou positioning system can realize centimeter-level high-precision positioning, real-time monitoring of workers' positions and movement trajectories, with access to the fence alarm function, to improve the efficiency of on-site safety control.

3、Image video acquisition

With high-definition camera and lighting, it can record the construction operation in real time, and through the wireless network, it can realize remote voice intercom and audio/video call with the backstage, which makes the work commanding and scheduling more convenient.

4. Alarm

Through the built-in sensors, the smart helmet can monitor the posture of the workers in real time, and once abnormalities are found, such as accidental fall, impact, and removal of the helmet, it can send warning signals to the backstage in a timely manner, which can reduce the occurrence of irregularities to a certain extent, and effectively prevent and reduce the number of workplace accidents.

Related recommendations

The online monitoring, distributed fault location and cable online monitoring equipment for power transmission and distribution lines launched by SHENZHEN DINSEE SMART TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. has been widely used in Southern Power Grid and State Grid, and has achieved good results.

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