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State Grid Bazhou Electric Power carries out anti-external breakage special patrol, transmission line laser anti-external breakage monitoring device escort grid operation

Author: Click:181 Time:2024-03-14

"When working near high-voltage lines, you must keep a safe distance, otherwise it will cause the line to trip, and it will also be life-threaten

"When working near high-voltage lines, you must keep a safe distance, otherwise it will cause the line to trip, and it will also be life-threatening." On March 5, under the tower of No. 65 to 66 of the 220-kV Hufan Line, the line patrol personnel of the Transmission Operation and Inspection Center of the State Grid Bazhou Power Supply Company informed in detail the machinery operators working at the construction site of the Urumqi to Yuli Expressway.

In order to reduce the improper construction of power supply lines due to external damage accidents, build key projects transmission line "anti-external damage" safety line of defense, Bazhou company in accordance with the transmission line anti-external damage management requirements, the organization of power transmission operation and inspection staff to carry out special patrols on the power supply lines along the construction of Uyue high-speed.

Transmission line prevention of external breakage is the focus of grid operation and maintenance, but also difficult. Outdoor construction work, large-scale machinery, to the region's transmission line safety and stable operation of a great threat. In order to realize the hidden danger of external breakage "early detection, early management", in addition to improving the awareness of the people along the line to protect electricity, but also to strengthen the key projects within the scope of the transmission line inspection and monitoring efforts. To this end, our company has launched the transmission line laser anti-external breakage online monitoring device program, which can eliminate the hidden danger in the bud.

The transmission line laser anti-external breakage online monitoring device is mainly composed of laser detector, video camera, sound and light alarm, power supply module, communication module and so on. The laser detector can launch a high-precision laser to scan horizontally at a safe distance below the line to form a horizontal protection surface. When the object super-high touches the laser surface, it will issue sound and light alarms and start video recording, and transmit the alarm signal and video back to the background by means of wireless communication.

In addition, the camera is embedded with AI recognition algorithm, which can intelligently recognize the hidden dangers of external breakage such as mechanical construction, foreign objects hanging wires, and over-height trees, and wirelessly upload pictures of hidden dangers for alarm, and with laser detection to realize the double protection of external breakage prevention.

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