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The "magic ball" on the transmission line: what's so magical about the aerial marker ball?

Author: Click:162 Time:2024-04-02

Aviation logo ball also known as aviation warning ball, today,  editorial take you to learn more about this hanging in the transmission line on t

Aviation logo ball also known as aviation warning ball, today,  editorial take you to learn more about this hanging in the transmission line on the "magic ball" it!

corresponds English -ity, -ism, -ization

As the name suggests, they mainly serve as markers and warnings. When pilots see these balls during flight, they will know that there is a high-voltage line here, thus avoiding the occurrence of accidents in which the aircraft touches the line.


As you can see from the picture, the aviation logo ball itself is a spherical structure, which looks "small", but it is actually this big:

With the reference is not feel small, its sphere diameter is 60cm, weight has 6kg-10kg!

It only needs to be hooked up to the steel cable of the lightning protection ground wire installed in the overhead tower, although the following points need to be noted when installing it:

1、Aviation logo ball colors need to be set in phase, such as white and red, white and orange.

2、Install with each ball spaced no more than 30 meters apart.

3、Where multiple wires, cables, etc. are involved, they shall be located at a height not less than that of the overhead wires indicated.


It can be made in all red, all white, all orange, orange-white two-tone, and orange-red two-tone.

material (that sth is made of)

Aviation logo ball using high-quality fiberglass, resin and other raw materials, with corrosion resistance, high temperature, insulation, rust, dust, water, impact resistance, anti-electromagnetic interference and other characteristics, can adapt to the wind, frost, rain, snow, high temperature and other complex environments, summary: no surprises, can "live" for a long time.

application scenario

Aeronautical marking ball is suitable for most overhead transmission lines, which can play a good flight warning effect, especially for ultra-high voltage transmission cable lines above 220kV, cross-river transmission cable lines, transmission lines near airports and so on.


It only needs to be hooked up to the steel cable of the lightning protection ground wire installed in the overhead tower, although the following points need to be noted when installing it:

1、Aviation logo ball colors need to be set in phase, such as white and red, white and orange.

2、Install with each ball spaced no more than 30 meters apart.

Where multiple wires, cables, etc. are involved, they shall be located at a height not less than that of the overhead wires indicated.

Related recommendations

The online monitoring, distributed fault location and cable online monitoring equipment for power transmission and distribution lines launched by SHENZHEN DINSEE SMART TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. has been widely used in Southern Power Grid and State Grid, and has achieved good results.

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