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High-voltage anti-electrocution warning signs for large and small outdoor power facilities "voice"

Author: Click:162 Time:2024-04-07

In modern society, electricity has become one of the indispensable energy sources in people's lives. With the development of the power industry an

In modern society, electricity has become one of the indispensable energy sources in people's lives. With the development of the power industry and the increasing number of power facilities, power safety has become an important topic of concern. Electricity accidents may lead to casualties, property losses and even social security problems. Therefore, in order to remind people to pay attention to stay away from electrified equipment, reduce the occurrence of accidents, DINSEE SMART to give you a popularization of our high-voltage anti-electrocution warning signs, also known as the danger of electric high-voltage lines to prevent external breakage of the warning signs.

1. Structural design

This is a new type of warning equipment, mainly consists of text warning signs, solar panels, speakers, infrared sensing devices, RFID intelligent inspection unit and integrated control circuits, etc., can be powered by solar energy, can also be connected to the DC 12V power supply, can be adapted to long-term outdoor operation.

2、Working Principle

High-voltage electric shock warning sign adopts infrared human body sensor technology, can real-time sense the effective range of whether someone or vehicle close, through the control circuit automatically play warning voice, flashing LED lights, voice content can be replaced according to the actual needs of the use of USB, the use of high-brightness, high penetration of the LED light source, according to the surroundings and the brightness of the light is automatically turned on and off, the nighttime warning device will be flashing, the warning distance of 800 meters or more, the warning distance of 800 meters or more. The warning distance is more than 800 meters.

3. Technical specifications

(1)Sensing method: intelligent radar sensing

(2)Sensing Distance:≤10m

(3)Operating Current:40mA~50mA

(4)Working load current:3A~1500A

(5)Voice siren level:80dB/4m

4、Usage Scenarios

High-voltage anti-electrocution warning signs have a good warning effect and can be directly installed next to outdoor energized facilities, such as transmission line towers, distribution rooms, substations, transformers, etc. They can improve the high-voltage anti-electrocution problems in bridges, highways, railroads, canyons, and other locations, and reduce the occurrence of accidents.

Related recommendations

The online monitoring, distributed fault location and cable online monitoring equipment for power transmission and distribution lines launched by SHENZHEN DINSEE SMART TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. has been widely used in Southern Power Grid and State Grid, and has achieved good results.

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