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Mountain fire prevention online monitoring system, the fire is merciless, but people have temperature

Author: Click:155 Time:2024-04-09

How to hope that God is a joke with us, April 1 April Fool's Day, Guizhou Changshun sudden mountain fire, according to relevant news has been thre

How to hope that God is a joke with us, April 1 April Fool's Day, Guizhou Changshun sudden mountain fire, according to relevant news has been three people in danger, but the good thing is that the fire is controlled, the fire is also extinguished in the morning of the 2nd at 10 o'clock.

Ask a question: what are the causes of frequent mountain fires? How do hill fires affect transmission lines? What are the ways to reduce mountain fire outbreaks? Three questions in a row, followed by DXN Wisdom Technology editor to explain in detail:

Some of the reasons for the sudden onset of the mountain fires

1、Natural causes: sparks from broken wires in the field, plastic bottles, glass bottles in the field concentrating light to form a focal point, lightning strikes on trees, etc;

2、Man-made causes: Many people have a low awareness of fire prevention and do not know enough about the dangers of forest fires and fire prevention, for example, burning weeds or throwing unextinguished cigarettes in fields, which is very easy to cause forest fires when encountering strong winds;

3、Plant causes: heat generated by the decomposition of microorganisms and organic matter due to the long-term accumulation of leaves and bamboo.

Spontaneous combustion from heat buildup due to excessive heat, and too much fermented methane gas buildup in the center of dead tree trunks can also lead to spontaneous combustion.

Impact of sudden mountain fires on transmission lines

As the flame and smoke have free-moving ions, it will cause the air insulation to reduce the formation of conductive channels, the line in the flame and smoke environment will occur in the short-circuit, discharge phenomenon leading to line tripping, triggering power outages. In the event of a hill fire, the breakdown voltage of the transmission line will be significantly reduced, which may cause the transmission line to trip, or cause the tower to burn down, resulting in a long period of unrecoverable major power accidents.

Mountain fire prevention methods

DX-WPS100-SH is an online fire monitoring system that can shorten the fire detection time, rapidly detect and extinguish forest fires, and prevent the fire from spreading and getting out of control. Anti-fire online monitoring system can do real-time detection, visualization and monitoring of the area of combustibles, smoke, open flame fire and other hidden dangers, to prevent hidden dangers in the "unburned", to do 24 hours a day, effective monitoring, and at the same time to ensure the safe and stable operation of the line.

The real-time automatic cruise detects the heat source near the target environment, locates the point of occurrence of mountain fires, sends out warning information reminders in time, and sends the specific location of mountain fires to the monitoring center, wx, etc. with wireless/4G/5G network, etc., and the staff of the monitoring center can visually view the point of occurrence of mountain fires through the system's back office, mobile terminals, etc., and guide the scheduling of fighting crews to the scene with a short path to complete the mountain fires. Rescue work.

In addition to this, you can also establish and improve the forest protection and fire prevention system, strengthen the fire prevention publicity, strict control of fire sources and other ways to reduce the sudden outbreak of mountain fires.

Related recommendations

The online monitoring, distributed fault location and cable online monitoring equipment for power transmission and distribution lines launched by SHENZHEN DINSEE SMART TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. has been widely used in Southern Power Grid and State Grid, and has achieved good results.

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