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New Bird Repellent Device: Structural Upgrade of Passive Spinning Stacked Bird Spikes

Author: Click:156 Time:2024-04-16

Under the dual pressure of rapid industrial development and environmental protection, the protection of power facilities and bird habitats has become

Under the dual pressure of rapid industrial development and environmental protection, the protection of power facilities and bird habitats has become a challenge to be balanced. Against this background, the anti-bird spiking series of products appeared, aiming to physically repel birds and reduce conflicts between power grid facilities and birds.

Anti-bird spikes, I do not know if you have seen? This is a commonly used in the power line bird repellent device, usually installed in the power line on the tower crossbar, consisting of 25 steel wire, showing a loose shape, can effectively prevent birds in the conductor, fixture, insulator strings, fighting, stay, nesting, to protect the safety of electric power, reduce power outage accidents.

As we have introduced before, there are 2 main types of anti-bird spikes, bolt-fixed and magnetic, which are bolt-fixed anti-bird spikes and magnetic insulated bird-repelling spikes:

The above two types of anti-bird spikes have similar working principles but different structures. In order to improve the efficiency of the device to repel birds, and at the same time to solve the traditional anti-bird spikes need to be broken one by one when installing the time-consuming and laborious problem, we continue to optimize and improve, and developed a passive spinning stacked anti-bird spikes.

DX-QNS100-XD type passive rotary stacking bird-proof spikes, consisting of spikes, base, mounting bracket and other components, adopts passive mechanized design, standing up that is automatically unfolded, open quickly, can save 99% of the installation time. Single spike diameter ≥2.5mm, length ≥450mm, can be hemispherical state to cover the surrounding diameter of 1 meter range, no hollow gap phenomenon, creating an environment unsuitable for birds to perch or stay, so as to play the role of anti-bird.

In addition, the design material of the passive spinning stacked anti-bird spikes meets the requirements of safety and environmental protection, only two bolts need to be tightened to be fixed with the tower material, and the device is immediately unfolded after fixing, which can save 80% of the installation cost. At the same time, the spikes of the device are made of 304 stainless steel wire, which is not easy to be deformed and rusted even after long-term use, and it is suitable for power facilities, airports, communication base stations and other scenes.

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