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Power Smart Laser Bird Repeller for Substations: Assisting in the Hassle-Free Operation of Power Grids

Author: Click:125 Time:2024-04-28

The vibrancy of nature is not only reflected in the colorful flowers, but also in the birds that soar in the blue sky and perch on the branches. Howev

The vibrancy of nature is not only reflected in the colorful flowers, but also in the birds that soar in the blue sky and perch on the branches. However, for the power system, bird activity is not all pleasing to the eye, but a series of potential safety hazards and challenges.

It is not difficult to find, birds nesting materials needed mostly for metal wires, branches and other conductive body, these items once accidentally fall on the charged equipment, it is very easy to trigger a short circuit or even fire accidents. At the same time, bird excreta contain acidic components, long-term accumulation of insulators and other power equipment will cause corrosion of the outer layer of protection, reducing its insulating properties, increasing the failure rate. More dangerously, large birds or small birds gathered in large numbers may cause mechanical damage to equipment, such as collision with high-voltage lines leading to disconnection.

In order to counter these problems, we must take multidimensional preventive measures. The first and foremost is the means of physical isolation. Birds are interfered with by building bird-proof nets, setting up bird-proof spikes, and utilizing sound and light bird repellents to disturb birds from approaching power facilities. Especially for nesting hotspots, regular patrols should be made to clean up and avoid the accumulation of bird nesting materials.

In addition, technological innovation also provides new perspectives for solving the problem of bird damage. Dingsin Wisdom Technology substation power intelligent laser bird repeller, that is, substation AI video laser integrated bird repellent device, unlike our other laser bird repeller, ultrasonic bird repeller, integrated intelligent bird repeller, this substation AI video laser integrated bird repellent device, on the basis of integrated bird repellent, increased laser bird repellent technology and AI video recognition technology, the device is able to, real-time detection, identification of birds close to, and Rapidly send out 532nm laser to stimulate the bird's vision, in addition, there are peripheral linkage function reserved interface, the user can choose to match all kinds of sound bird repellent mode output, constant frequency drive birds, ease the birds adaptability.

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