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Substation infrared temperature measurement system: an important means to ensure the safe operation of power facilities

Author: Click:127 Time:2024-05-07

With the continuous development of science and technology, the security and stability of the power system has been greatly improved. In this process,

With the continuous development of science and technology, the security and stability of the power system has been greatly improved. In this process, as the core part of the power system, the safe operation of the substation is particularly important. In order to ensure the safe and stable operation of substations, a variety of advanced technical means are widely used in substation equipment monitoring and management. Among them, infrared temperature measurement system, as a non-contact measurement method, plays an increasingly important role in the safety monitoring of substations. In this paper, the principle and application of infrared temperature measurement system in substation and its important role in ensuring the safe operation of power facilities will be elaborated in detail.

1、The principle of substation infrared temperature measurement system

An infrared temperature measurement system is an instrument that utilizes the infrared rays radiated by the object itself for measurement. It realizes real-time monitoring of the surface temperature of an object by receiving the infrared rays emitted from the surface of the object and then converting them into temperature values. In the substation, the infrared temperature measurement system is mainly applied to the temperature detection of high-voltage equipment, such as high-voltage switches, transformers, cables and so on. These equipments generate a large amount of heat during operation, and if abnormal temperatures are not detected and dealt with in a timely manner, they may lead to damage to the equipment or cause serious accidents such as fires. Therefore, the safe operation of substations can be effectively improved by infrared temperature measurement of these key devices.

2、Equipment failure warning

Real-time monitoring of the high-voltage equipment in the substation through the infrared temperature measurement system can detect the abnormal temperature of the equipment in time. Once the equipment is found to have overheating phenomenon, the system will immediately start the early warning mechanism and send alarm information to the duty personnel, so that measures can be taken as soon as possible to eliminate the faults and ensure the normal operation of the equipment.

3. Emergency response

In the event of equipment failure, the infrared temperature measurement system can quickly lock the fault point, help the duty personnel to quickly locate the problem and improve the efficiency of emergency response. At the same time, the system's real-time data can help analyze the cause of the failure, providing a scientific basis for the maintenance and replacement of equipment.

4, reduce equipment maintenance costs

Traditional equipment maintenance methods often require disassembly, inspection and repair of equipment, time-consuming and costly. The infrared temperature measurement system can realize the remote monitoring and management of the equipment, reducing the workload of on-site inspection and lowering the cost of equipment maintenance.

Infrared temperature measurement system can monitor the temperature distribution of equipment in substations in real time, which helps to find potential problems with the equipment and take measures to deal with them in advance, thus improving the stability and reliability of the power system. Substation infrared temperature measurement system as an advanced technical means to ensure the safe operation of power facilities play an important role. With the continuous development of science and technology and the continuous upgrading of the power system, it is believed that the infrared temperature measurement system will play an increasingly important role in the safety monitoring of substations.

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