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Distributed fault localization on transmission lines: technological advances and challenges

Author: Click:131 Time:2024-05-09

With the continuous development of the power system, the scale and number of transmission lines are also expanding. However, due to the complexity of

With the continuous development of the power system, the scale and number of transmission lines are also expanding. However, due to the complexity of transmission lines and the characteristics of long-distance transmission, fault location has become a challenging problem. In order to improve the reliability and stability of transmission lines, Dingsin Intelligent Technology will discuss the technological advances and challenges of distributed fault localization for transmission lines.

Transmission lines, as a link for energy transmission, are the basis for the safe and stable operation of the entire system; once a fault occurs on a transmission line, it is necessary to find the fault point as soon as possible, remove the fault and restore power supply. However, due to the high-voltage and ultra-high-voltage transmission lines are often exposed to different environments and distributed in a wide range of geographic areas, the operating environment is harsh; therefore, it is also the power system in the occurrence of faults in the place, the line failure to quickly and accurately find the point of failure, not only for the timely repair of the line and the rapid restoration of power supply, but also for the safety of the entire power system stability and economic operation has a very important role.

Distributed fault localization of transmission lines refers to the automatic diagnosis and localization of transmission line faults by analyzing the data collected by various sensors along the transmission lines.

This technique consists of three main components: data acquisition, data analysis and fault diagnosis.

1, data acquisition: through the installation of a variety of sensors along the transmission line (such as current transformers, voltage transformers, meteorological sensors, etc.), real-time collection of transmission line parameters.

2, data analysis: real-time processing and analysis of the collected data to extract key characteristic parameters and form a fault characteristic library.

3, fault diagnosis: according to the fault characteristics in the feature library, combined with historical data and expert experience, realize the automatic diagnosis and positioning of transmission line faults.

Distributed fault localization technology for transmission lines is of great significance in improving the reliability and stability of transmission lines. Although currently facing some challenges, with the development of big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies, it is believed that in the future the distributed fault location technology for transmission lines will make greater breakthroughs and provide strong support for the safe and stable operation of the power system.

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