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2024.05.10 Overhead line image online monitoring (dual optical dome) Equipment installation case

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Project completion information

Installation project: Overhead line image online monitoring (dual optical dome) Equipment installation case

Project time:2024.05.10


Overhead line image and video monitoring device (dual-optical dome) with dual-optical infrared video and visible light video monitoring, including the main control unit, communication module, power module, dual-optical dome, wireless transmission unit; solar and lithium battery power supply, the use of front-end dual-optical dome to capture the video data, through the 4G/5G/WIFI/OPGW fiber optic network, the image/video data transmission to the monitoring center to achieve the temperature monitoring of transmission line tower equipment timely detection of thermal defects and early warning. It realizes temperature monitoring of transmission line tower equipment, timely discovery of thermal defects and early warning, and all-round status tracking of the tower status, metal fittings, insulator strings, conductors and channels, etc., to ensure the stable operation of the line.

Strong real-time: double optical dome can monitor the operation status of transmission lines 24 hours a day, ensuring the stable operation of the power system.

High detection accuracy: the double optical dome machine adopts high-precision optical and electronic technology, which can accurately monitor the parameters of transmission lines and detect abnormalities in time.

Easy to install: the double optical dome is small in size and light in weight, and installing it on the transmission line will not affect the normal operation of the line.

Low Maintenance Costs: Maintenance costs can be greatly reduced as the dual optical dome does not require regular calibration and maintenance.

SHENZHEN DINSEE SMART TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD,Innovative R & D transmission and distribution lines online monitoring devices, overhead transmission lines, power cable safety equipment and intelligent mobile line visualization monitoring system, anti-mountain fire infrared monitoring devices, transmission lines to prevent external breakage of the alarm device, line visualization monitoring, real-time monitoring of the state of the power lines, power grid micro-meteorological monitoring devices, warning alarms, bird-driven devices, law enforcement recorders, and other products have been widely used throughout the country! The products have been widely used in electric power related sites all over the country, and have received good feedback from customers!

Since its inception, our company has been committed to the study of smart grid, is a technology development, production, sales and technical services in one of the solution providers, has for China's different voltage levels of power equipment to provide a full range of systematic solutions and products, so that the smart grid within reach.

Transmission line online monitoring equipment official website:http://www.yzjngf.com

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