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Substation Video Environment Monitoring: Ensuring Safe and Stable Operation of Power Systems

Author: Click:115 Time:2024-05-11

Due to the continuous development of science and technology, the safety and stability of the power system has been greatly improved. As an important l

Due to the continuous development of science and technology, the safety and stability of the power system has been greatly improved. As an important link in the power system, the safety and stability of the substation is crucial to the operation of the entire power system. In order to ensure the safe and stable operation of substations, modern power systems commonly use video environment monitoring technology for real-time monitoring of substations. TD Tech will elaborate on the importance, technical principles and application cases of video environment monitoring in substations.

1、Importance of substation video environment monitoring

1. Improvement of substation safety management

Through real-time monitoring of the substation, problems such as equipment abnormalities and hidden safety hazards can be discovered in time, so that measures can be taken in advance to avoid accidents. In addition, video surveillance can also assist on-site personnel to quickly locate problems and improve the efficiency of dealing with them.

2. Improving the operational efficiency of substation equipment

Through the real-time monitoring of the substation equipment, the operational status of the equipment can be understood in real time, providing a basis for the maintenance and repair of the equipment. At the same time, video monitoring can also assist the field personnel to determine the cause of equipment failure and improve the accuracy of maintenance work.

3. Improving the efficiency of substation operations and maintenance personnel

Video environment monitoring technology can realize remote monitoring of substations and reduce the workload of operation and maintenance personnel. The operation and maintenance personnel can view the real-time situation of the substation at any time through cell phones, computers and other terminal equipment to improve work efficiency.

4. Reducing substation operating costs

Through video environment monitoring technology, remote inspection and maintenance of substation equipment can be realized, reducing the number and cost of on-site inspections. At the same time, video monitoring can also assist the field personnel to quickly locate the problem, improve the accuracy of the maintenance work and reduce maintenance costs.

2、the technical principle of substation video environment monitoring

1. High-definition video surveillance technology

High-definition video surveillance technology is the basis for realizing video environment monitoring in substations. High-definition cameras capture all corners of the substation to ensure the clarity and real-time nature of the monitoring images. The common HD cameras on the market today are IP cameras, infrared cameras, and so on.

2. Video coding technology

In order to ensure the stability and reliability of video signals in the transmission process, video signals need to be encoded and compressed. Common video coding technologies include H.264, H.265 and so on. Through reasonable encoding parameter settings, the code stream can be effectively reduced to ensure the transmission speed and stability of the data.

3. Network transmission technology

Video signals need to be transmitted through the network, so it is necessary to choose the appropriate network transmission technology. Common network transmission technologies are wired network (such as Ethernet) and wireless network (such as Wi-Fi, 4G, 5G, etc.). According to the actual needs and geographical conditions of the substation, the appropriate network transmission method can be selected.

4. Data storage and analysis techniques

The amount of video surveillance data is huge and requires effective storage and management of the data. Common data storage technologies include cloud storage, local storage, and so on. In addition, video data needs to be analyzed to extract valuable information to support the operation and maintenance of the substation. Commonly used data analysis techniques include image recognition, behavioral analysis, etc.

Substation video environment monitoring technology is of great significance to ensure the safe and stable operation of the power system. With the continuous development of science and technology, I believe that the future substation video environment monitoring technology will play a greater role in the power industry.

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