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2024.05.20 Non-contact fault diagnostic device for transmission lines Installation examples

Author: Click:174 Time:2024-05-20

2024.05.20 Non-contact fault diagnostic device for transmission lines Installation examples

一、Project completion information

Installation: Non-contact fault diagnostic device for transmission lines Installation examples

Project time: 2024.05.20


二、Functional Features

1、Fault monitoring and acquisition function: realize non-contact monitoring and acquisition of transmission line fault travelling wave, achieve distortion-free acquisition of transient travelling wave signals, and avoid the influence of the secondary circuit on the travelling wave waveform;

2、High-speed synchronized sampling function: based on GPS timing system and precision sampling synchronization algorithm, the system sampling synchronization error is greatly reduced, improving the distance measurement accuracy; 

3、Solar Power Tracking Function: Using advanced algorithms, it realizes solar power tracking function (MPPT), which effectively improves the utilization rate of solar energy and ensures the battery's fullness; 

4、Data processing function: analyze and store the collected signals with corresponding data processing;

5、Communication function: Utilizing the data transmission network based on GPRS communication, it supports the functions of data checking, error code retransmission and continuous transmission to realize the transmission of status information and fault information without loss; 

6、Self-inspection and self-recovery function: the device (terminal) reports the self-inspection status at regular intervals, the device (terminal) has self-recovery function for abnormal self-inspection, and the central station can also realize the control function of the device (terminal);

7、Remote maintenance function: Realize the remote fixed value maintenance and program upgrade function of the monitoring device (terminal).

8、Distributed ranging algorithm function: realize automatic adaptation of traveling wave speed and redundant ranging of multiple acquisition points. 

Since its inception, our company has been committed to the study of smart grid, is a technology development, production, sales and technical services in one of the solution providers, has for China's different voltage levels of power equipment to provide a full range of systematic solutions and products, so that the smart grid within reach.

Transmission line online monitoring equipment official website:http://www.yzjngf.com

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