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2024.05.19 High-voltage cable fault and hidden danger monitoring device Installation case

Author: Click:241 Time:2024-05-20

2024.05.19 High-voltage cable fault and hidden danger monitoring device Installation case

一、Project completion information

Installation project:High-voltage cable fault and hidden danger monitoring device Installation case

Project time: 2024.05.19


二、Functional Features

1、Fault ranging: Fault ranging is the basic purpose of high-voltage cable and hidden danger monitoring device, to realize the positioning of fault section and fault point, and to provide rich recording data for the analysis of the fault;

2、Analysis of fault type: After the fault occurs, the fault type is identified by analyzing the current traveling wave and industrial frequency fault current waveforms of the three phases of A, B and C, which provides a reference for the maintenance of the line;

3、Early warning of hidden faults: Through the monitoring of weak hidden traveling waves of high-voltage cable lines, early warning and overhaul of cables with hidden faults can prevent the occurrence of tripping faults;

4、Equipment self-test:

(a)With the main components of the device to carry out regular self-test function, abnormal conditions need to take the initiative to alarm;

(b)Automatic reset recovery function for possible device crash problems;

5、Acquisition of terminal status information: Realize the acquisition and statistics of terminal solar or CT voltage, battery, temperature, GPS status, GPRS signal strength and other status information;

6、Advanced principle: distributed installation shortens the monitoring distance and solves the problem of signal attenuation. Adopt double-end ranging, can locate the fault point;

7、Powerful signal acquisition unit: the high-voltage cable monitoring device adopts the structure of one host and multiple channels. It can simultaneously collect 7-channel high-frequency signals (3-channel high-frequency current traveling wave, 3-channel hidden current traveling wave, 1-channel voltage traveling wave), 8-channel low-frequency signals (3-channel industrial frequency current, 4-channel ground loop current, 1-channel voltage). Powerful signal acquisition unit for fault recording;

8、Dynamic Wave Speed Adaptation: The system adaptively adjusts the traveling wave speed according to the fault data, which makes the positioning accuracy more accurate;

9、Highly synchronized sampling: Based on GPS timing system and precision sampling synchronization algorithm, the sampling synchronization error of the system is greatly reduced, which improves the ranging accuracy.

SHENZHEN DINSEE SMART TECHNOLOGY CO..LTD,Innovative R & D transmission and distribution lines online monitoring devices, overhead transmission lines, power cable safety equipment and intelligent mobile line visualization monitoring system, anti-mountain fire infrared monitoring devices, transmission lines to prevent external breakage of the alarm device, line visualization monitoring, real-time monitoring of the state of the power lines, power grid micro-meteorological monitoring devices, warning alarms, bird-driven devices, law enforcement recorders, and other products have been widely used throughout the country! The products have been widely used in electric power related sites all over the country, and have received good feedback from customers!

Transmission line online monitoring equipment official website:http://www.yzjngf.com


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