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Guard the power safety "eyes" transmission line tower tilt monitoring device

Author: Click:162 Time:2024-05-21

In modern society, electricity plays a pivotal role as an important energy source for people's life and production. However, with the continuous e

In modern society, electricity plays a pivotal role as an important energy source for people's life and production. However, with the continuous expansion of electric power facilities, the problem of tilting of transmission line towers is becoming increasingly serious, which brings great potential danger to electric power safety. In order to ensure the safe and stable operation of power facilities, transmission line tower tilt monitoring device should come into being. In this paper, the function, principle and application of transmission line tower tilt monitoring device will be introduced in detail, in order to improve people's understanding of this important equipment and attention.

Transmission line tower tilt monitoring device is mainly responsible for real-time monitoring of transmission line tower tilt, when the tower tilt angle is found to exceed the set threshold, it can send a warning signal to the relevant management department in time to provide security for the safe operation of power facilities. In addition, the transmission line tower tilt monitoring device also has the function of data acquisition, analysis, storage, etc., which can provide powerful support for the operation and maintenance management of power facilities.

The transmission line tower tilt monitoring device mainly adopts a combination of global positioning system (GPS) and angle sensor for measurement. Among them, the GPS module is responsible for obtaining the geographic location information of the tower pole of the transmission line, and the angle sensor is used to monitor the tilt angle of the tower pole in real time. When the tilt angle of the tower pole exceeds the set threshold, the monitoring device will automatically send an alarm signal to the central control platform.

I. Application of tower tilt monitoring devices for transmission lines

1. Collapse prevention

Transmission line tower tilt monitoring device can monitor the tilt of the tower in real time, once found that the tilt angle of the tower exceeds the safety threshold, it can send out warning signals in time to prevent the collapse accident caused by the tilt of the tower. According to statistics, China's annual direct economic losses caused by the collapse of transmission line towers are about hundreds of millions of yuan.

2. Improve the efficiency of operation and maintenance management

The transmission line tower tilt monitoring device can collect the tilt data of the tower in real time and upload it to the central control platform. By analyzing these data, the operation and maintenance personnel can more accurately understand the status of transmission line towers and improve the efficiency of operation and maintenance management. In addition, by analyzing the historical data, it can also provide a reference basis for the planning and construction of transmission lines.

3. Enhancing the safety of electrical facilities

Transmission line tower tilt monitoring device can effectively prevent safety accidents caused by tower tilt and improve the safety performance of power facilities. At the same time, through the real-time monitoring of transmission line tower tilt, can be more scientific and reasonable maintenance plan for the power sector, to extend the service life of transmission lines.

4. Promoting green development

The transmission line tower tilt monitoring device can improve the safety performance of power facilities and reduce energy loss due to transmission line faults. This is of great significance for promoting China's green development and realizing energy saving and environmental protection.

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The online monitoring, distributed fault location and cable online monitoring equipment for power transmission and distribution lines launched by SHENZHEN DINSEE SMART TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. has been widely used in Southern Power Grid and State Grid, and has achieved good results.

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