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High-voltage anti-fishing electrocution warning device, rainy day fishing need to be more vigilant!

Author: Click:144 Time:2024-05-23

Rainy days make the weather cooler, but fishing is popular as an outdoor sport, so how can anglers not go out and get high in their free time? But do

Rainy days make the weather cooler, but fishing is popular as an outdoor sport, so how can anglers not go out and get high in their free time? But do you know where it is safe to fish and where it is not?

Today, I'll give you a generalization of what you need to pay attention to when fishing. First of all, the choice of fishing place needs to consider a number of factors, including the safety of the waters, legality, terrain environment and so on. In the choice of both safe and legal place is bound to follow the legal compliance as well as the ground is flat, high safety factor of the place, avoid in the high-voltage power lines near the area, and so on, and at the same time also according to the corresponding seasonal changes to choose the appropriate fishing location.

And pay attention to some safety details, don't just fling your rod around to be cool, in order to avoid flinging your rod onto a high voltage line, which can cause electrocution and give away your personal safety.

DX-JSS100-LG2 DX-JSS100-LG2 is not only an ordinary warning pole, but also a solid guardian for safe fishing and offline construction under high voltage lines. It provides strong safety protection for anglers and construction personnel, effectively reduces the risk of electrocution and ensures the stable operation of high-voltage lines.

The core components of the device include the warning system host, human body detectors, tweeters, cameras and other key devices. The warning system host is responsible for coordinating the work of each component to ensure that it can work together to achieve the goal of safety warning. The human body detector is equipped with high-precision detection, and can detect the approach of people and vehicles in real time, and will immediately trigger the warning system once people or vehicles enter the warning area.

When the human body detector detects an abnormality, the tweeter will immediately issue a loud voice warning to remind anglers or construction workers to pay attention to safety and stay away from high voltage lines. At the same time, the flashing blue and red lights will also attract people's attention and enhance the warning effect. In addition, the high-definition starlight level camera synchronizes to take pictures and record the scene situation, providing data basis support for subsequent processing and playback.

The images and video data will then be transmitted to the monitoring management center in real time via 4G/5G and other network methods. Once the system detects anomalies, it will immediately send early warning information in the form of WeChat, SMS, etc. to the cell phones of relevant operation and maintenance personnel. The operation and maintenance personnel can view the images and videos of each monitoring point in real time through cell phones and computers to understand the situation on the spot, and provide guidance and reminders to anglers or construction workers through the voice remote shouting function.

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