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2024.05.24 transmission line image video monitoring device (binocular synergy) Installation case

Author: Click:151 Time:2024-05-24

2024.05.24 transmission line image video monitoring device (binocular synergy) Installation case

I. Project completion information

Installation project: transmission line image video monitoring device (binocular synergy)   Installation case

Project time: 2024.05.24


Overhead line image video monitoring device (binocular synergy) is a focus on solving the transmission line tower access monitoring equipment, set intelligent dual camera, AI front, tower tilt (optional) and ultra-low power consumption features in one image online monitoring device, equipped with a 16 million lens + 2 million night vision starlight level lens, able to take care of daytime and nighttime capture video work at the same time, the front of the AI intelligent recognition algorithm The front AI intelligent recognition algorithm is able to quickly recognize and warn. The fixed bracket adopts flexible design, which can realize the equipment horizontal 360 ° rotation, vertical 60 ° rotation. The body is made of PC material, lightweight and reliable, the bottom is reserved for 4 aviation plugs, the connector is strong and reliable.

II. Functional characteristics

1, support for timed special shooting images; 

2, front-end integration of intelligent algorithms intelligent analysis, early warning; ;.

3, a variety of ways to encrypt, data transmission is safe and reliable; ;.

4, battery, flow real-time access, module firmware remote optimization and upgrade; .

5, 360 degree, vertical rotation, direction adjustable without dead angle, more intuitive.

Since its inception, our company has been committed to the study of smart grid, is a technology development, production, sales and technical services in one of the solution providers, has for China's different voltage levels of power equipment to provide a full range of systematic solutions and products, so that the smart grid within reach.

transmission line online monitoring equipment official website: http://www.yzjngf.com

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