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Online monitoring system for transmission line surge arresters, adding to power supply safety

Author: Click:98 Time:2024-05-30

Family, who knows how to go on a dragon boat ride for 30 days straight?April - May period, Guangxi by a new round of heavy rainfall, many places affec

Family, who knows how to go on a dragon boat ride for 30 days straight?

April - May period, Guangxi by a new round of heavy rainfall, many places affected by this round of strong convective weather, such as Chongzuo, Laibin, Wuzhou Fuji County and other counties and cities affected by lightning strikes, a number of power supply lines, transformers broken or damaged and so on. Transmission line tower as one of the high buildings, is bound to install lightning arrester, then why in the time of thunderstorms many transmission lines or because of lightning strikes overpressure lead to power outages, tripping and other faults hidden?

Although the lightning arrester on the transmission line can effectively resist lightning current, in the process of long-term use, these arrester will inevitably face problems such as aging, breakdown damage and degradation of protection performance. Once subjected to lightning overvoltage, these potential problems may trigger transformer failure, line tripping and other serious consequences, posing a threat to the stable operation of the power system. To ensure that transmission lines can operate normally during thunderstorms, Dinstar Wisdom Technology Transmission line arrester online monitoring deviceDX-WPS100-BL appeared.

"Lightning arrester on-line monitoring" adopts wireless remote monitor, realizes full isolation without residual voltage sampling, thus ensures the accurate monitoring of lightning arrester working status. Utilizing the lightning arrester micro-current for energy supply, without the need for additional power boards or lithium batteries, so as to realize the real maintenance-free. In addition, it can be installed to each group of MOA surge arresters for real-time monitoring and centralized management. This centralized management improves the supervision efficiency of the arrester and enables the power department to grasp the operation status of the arrester more conveniently.

In addition, the data acquisition part adopts solar energy and environmentally friendly lithium battery double combination of power supply to realize intelligent SOC control, to ensure the long-term stable operation of the system; in terms of anti-jamming ability, the device also has the performance, using a variety of effective anti-jamming processing methods, to meet the normal use of a variety of electromagnetic field environments, to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the monitoring data.

Based on GPRS/GSM and other network methods, the device is able to transmit monitoring data in real time, realizing real-time, online, intelligent and remote monitoring of data. This enables the power sector to accurately and timely grasp the health status of the operating equipment, providing strong support for the safe and stable operation of the power system.

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The online monitoring, distributed fault location and cable online monitoring equipment for power transmission and distribution lines launched by SHENZHEN DINSEE SMART TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. has been widely used in Southern Power Grid and State Grid, and has achieved good results.

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