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High-voltage electronic warning signs to assist in smart site construction

Author: Click:106 Time:2024-06-04

Roadside very common power facilities such as transformers, distribution boxes, high-voltage pylons, etc., however, these devices are often accompanie

Roadside very common power facilities such as transformers, distribution boxes, high-voltage pylons, etc., however, these devices are often accompanied by a certain degree of safety risks, especially vulnerable to accidental collision by vehicles, and some children climbing events

In order to remind people to pay attention to safety, warning signs are usually set up on the roadside or next to related equipment. However, the traditional ordinary high-voltage hazard warning signs have some problems, such as not easy to be detected at night, easy to lose color and rust, etc., resulting in its inability to play a substantial deterrent effect. In addition, due to the single warning method of traditional warning signs, mainly relying on words and patterns to prompt, it is difficult to attract the attention of pedestrians and vehicles. Especially at night, due to low light, the warning signs are more difficult to be noticed, resulting in a number of vehicles accidentally collided into the roadside transformers, distribution boxes and other equipment.
    In response to these problems, Shenzhen Dingxin Wisdom gives High-voltage electronic intelligent warning signs. program. This new warning sign adopts a unique electronic technology, consisting of a warning sign, solar power supply unit, horn, infrared sensing device, RFID intelligent inspection unit and integrated control circuit composed of an integrated device, with real-time detection of people and vehicles close to the function, widely used in high-voltage towers, towers, distribution substation area.

When someone or a vehicle is close to the warning distance, it will immediately send out sound and light warning signals (full-automatic triggering playback of voice, the voice content can be recorded and replaced by USB itself) to remind people to pay attention to safety. This kind of warning not only can effectively draw people's attention, but also can stop possible safety accidents in time; in addition, it supports mute mode at night, and also supports installation near the construction site, setting up timed broadcast warning voice to help the construction of intelligent construction site.

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