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High-voltage lines are also afraid of "lonely"? High-voltage line breakage prevention intelligent warning ball to accompany!

Author: Click:105 Time:2024-06-07

"Master, be sure to pay attention, the safety distance between large machinery and high-voltage lines must be maintained at more than eight meter

"Master, be sure to pay attention, the safety distance between large machinery and high-voltage lines must be maintained at more than eight meters, which is an important part of safeguarding our lives." The line operation and maintenance personnel said seriously to the construction workers. They are guiding the construction workers to avoid the transmission line during the work of large machinery to prevent the occurrence of external damage to the line due to inadvertent operation.

As the weather gets hotter, people are often in a hurry to complete the work schedule, which can easily lead to the emergence of some irregularities. From time to time, the news reports that safety regulations are ignored because of the rush to meet the deadline, resulting in external damage to transmission lines. In the face of this situation, the power supply company strengthened its manpower, squatting at the construction site around the clock to ensure that every operation is in line with safety norms. At the same time, they also increased the inspection of key areas and strengthened the frequency of personnel patrols to ensure that any potential safety hazards can be promptly detected and dealt with.

In addition to manual patrol and reminders, in order to more effectively prevent people and vehicles from accidentally entering the charged area of high-voltage power lines, to avoid electrocution, damage to power facilities, fires, blackouts and other accidents, you can also use High-voltage line anti-external breakage intelligent warning ballDX-JSS100-JSQ is mainly used in transmission lines to prevent external damage. The warning ball is skillfully installed on the conductor of the overhead transmission line, as a reminder of the danger of high-voltage lines and warning markers, through the conductor of the self-take electrical energy, real-time detection of the proximity of the surrounding objects, and in detecting the approach of an object, timely sound alarm, so as to effectively prevent the large-scale vehicles in the construction site due to operational errors caused by high-voltage accidents.

In addition, the warning ball also has a flashing red warning, which can clearly emit line markings both during the day and at night, enabling passing personnel and vehicles to detect and prevent potential safety risks in a timely manner, thus greatly reducing the probability of power grid safety accidents. It is also very simple and reliable to use, and will not have any impact on the safe operation of the installed lines. It is worth mentioning that this warning ball is made of special materials and adopts anti-corrosion and anti-rust technology, which is able to maintain its stable performance, long service life and performance in various complex environments such as rain, snow, ice and oil.

Through the double guarantee of manual patrol and intelligent warning ball, it builds a three-dimensional safety protection grid to effectively improve the safety and stability of electric facilities. Continuously improve and optimize the safety protection measures to provide the people with safer and more reliable power supply services.

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