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Transmission line aviation sign ball, flight also need to see "traffic lights"

Author: Click:101 Time:2024-06-12

You have to look at traffic lights to drive a car, so do you need to look at traffic lights to fly an airplane? The answer is yes, of course you need

You have to look at traffic lights to drive a car, so do you need to look at traffic lights to fly an airplane? The answer is yes, of course you need to.

When you read this, you may not be able to help but look up at the sky, will you notice those silently hanging in the high-voltage transmission lines on the colorful sphere? Please do not think that this is just a joke, they are known as the air "traffic light" of the transmission line aviation logo ball, guarding the safety of the electric power system at the same time to ensure the smooth flow of air traffic. And take up the pilot in the sky traffic light, plays an important role in the instructions.

Aeronautical marker spheres, as important markers on transmission lines, were originally designed to prevent collisions between low-flying airplanes, helicopters or other aircraft and high-voltage lines. These spheres are usually in eye-catching colors and large sizes so that they can be clearly identified by pilots both at long distances and under different lighting conditions. They act as guiding lights in the sky, providing pilots with important navigational information to ensure safe flight.

With the continuous progress of high-tech technology, the traditional aviation logo ball is no longer a simple colored sphere, but incorporates more intelligent elements, such as Dingsin Transmission Line Aerial Marker BallDX-JSS100-BZQ is an innovative device that combines the functions of marking, monitoring, and early warning, which is widely used in ultra-high-voltage and trans-river transmission lines. Its main function is to provide warnings so that pilots can clearly recognize the location of transmission lines from 1-2 kilometers away and avoid possible safety hazards in time.

The device uses high-quality glass fiber, resin and other selected raw materials to ensure that the material is corrosion-resistant, heat-resistant, insulation, etc., strong impact resistance and other properties; which the color is the standard color, can be customized according to the needs of; easy to install, set up in the line can be, follow-up maintenance-free, in the wind, frost, rain, snow and other environments can still play, its performance can not change a little, and does not interfere with the normal operation of high-voltage wires.

So the transmission line aviation sign ball compared to the air "traffic light" is not too much, it is guarding the power system security and promote the innovation of air traffic management plays an important role.

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