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Transmission line Beidou geologic disaster early warning device, laugh at the

Author: Click:92 Time:2024-06-26

Geologic hazards always catch people off guard.Flood season plus dragon boat water, many places officially entered the mudslide, flash floods, landsli

Geologic hazards always catch people off guard.

Flood season plus dragon boat water, many places officially entered the mudslide, flash floods, landslides and other disasters occurring. june 11, a county in zhejiang issued thunderstorms, geological hazards, flash floods are orange warning, in the peak of the rainfall, geological hazards are sudden and strong, can not be detected in time as well as to solve its problems, destructive force is also big. What kind of impact will the occurrence of geologic disasters bring to the transmission line?



Geological disasters such as landslides and underground mining triggered by heavy rainfall can lead to surface deformation, which in turn adversely affects transmission line towers and stall spacing. This effect may lead to tilting and collapse of towers, and may also cause line breaks, short circuits and other faults, seriously affecting the safe and stable operation of the power grid. Through Dingsin Wisdom Technology's Transmission Line Beidou Geological Hazard Early Warning DeviceDX-BDS100-DZ.

At its core is the BeiDou high-precision relative positioning technology, which realizes real-time monitoring of geological hazards by observing the BeiDou satellites to determine the relative positions or vectors of the baseline endpoints. By solving for the difference of the observed quantities, the device is able to eliminate the effects of satellite and receiver clock differences, as well as ionospheric and tropospheric refraction, so as to improve the baseline accuracy.



At the same time, the device installs the Beidou monitoring antenna on the tower that needs to be positioned, and combines the Beidou base station data and transmits it to the data center through encryption. The system analyzes and processes the data of each monitoring base station point acquired in real time, and can monitor the three-dimensional coordinates of the tower, tower settlement and other conditions in real time with high precision.

In addition, the device also has a real-time warning function, which can send out warning information in various ways such as web, app or SMS to help users grasp the dynamics of power tower deformers in real time. Users can also add or delete daily or weekly output information as needed, and automatically generate weekly and monthly change curve data for each point, providing strong support for decision-making.

It is no exaggeration to say that this for the grid disaster prevention and mitigation has the role of "ballast"!

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