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2024.07.10 transmission line intelligent LiDAR point cloud monitoring device equipment installation case

Author: Click:104 Time:2024-07-10

I. Project completion informationInstallation project: transmission line intelligent LiDAR point cloud monitoring device? equipment installation

I. Project completion information

Installation project: transmission line intelligent LiDAR point cloud monitoring device  equipment installation case

Project time: 2024.07.10

Project completion unit: Shenzhen Dinsee Smart Technology Co.Ltd

Transmission Line Intelligent LiDAR point cloud monitoring device adopts the integrated design structure of gun and LiDAR, incorporating non-repeated scanning LiDAR sensors, and through the integrated device integration technology, multi-sensor data fusion technology and big data platform intelligent management technology, it designs LiDAR real-time three-dimensional reconstruction transmission hazard ranging device and visualization early warning system, which solves the problems of vehicles, tree growth, terrain change and conductor arc droop in power transmission corridor. It solves the difficulties of integrated monitoring of hidden dangers such as vehicles, tree growth, terrain changes and wire arc sag, and realizes three-dimensional reconstruction of the field of view of the transmission channel, refinement of transmission hidden dangers and visualization of early warning management.

The company's innovative R & D transmission and distribution line online monitoring devices, overhead transmission lines, power cable safety equipment and intelligent mobile line visualization monitoring system, anti-mountain fire infrared monitoring devices, transmission line anti-external breakage alarm device, line visualization monitoring, real-time monitoring of the state of the power lines, power grid micro-meteorological monitoring devices, warning alarms, bird-driving devices, law enforcement recorders and other products have been widely used in the country. The products have been widely used in electric power related sites all over the country and received good feedback from customers!

Since its inception, our company has been committed to the study of smart grid, is a technology development, production, sales and technical services in one of the solution providers, has for China's different voltage levels of power equipment to provide a full range of systematic solutions and products, so that the smart grid within reach.

transmission line online monitoring equipment official website: http://www.yzjngf.com


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