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Anti-vandalism device, "new engine" to help transmission line online monitoring

Author: Click:67 Time:2024-07-23

In the construction and operation of modern power grids, "external intrusion damage" is one of the main causes of line tripping. It not only affects the stability of power supply, but also may bring huge economic losses and social impact.

In the construction and operation of modern power grids, "external intrusion damage" is one of the main causes of line tripping. It not only affects the stability of power supply, but also may bring huge economic losses and social impact.

It is important to recognize what construction external damage occurs in off-line, transmission line corridors. Simply put, it is line damage that occurs as a result of external construction activities during the construction or operation of transmission facilities. This kind of damage is in various forms, may be cranes, excavation operations in the mechanical touching wires, towers, resulting in transmission lines are hit or hanging off the situation; may also be the construction of building construction materials fall, and even includes the theft and destruction of the lawless elements.

Why does this problem occur so frequently? On the one hand, with the acceleration of urbanization, there are more and more construction sites, and the safety distance between construction sites and transmission lines is often not guaranteed. On the other hand, some construction units do not have a good understanding of the dangers of high-voltage power lines, and safety measures are not in place, which, together with lax supervision, has led to frequent accidents. In addition, unlawful invasion is also a major reason, despite the strict laws and regulations, but there are still unscrupulous people desperate.

In the face of these problems, what should be done? First, strengthening publicity and education is the foundation. Popularize the importance of electric power facility protection through various channels to improve public safety awareness. Secondly, technical precautions are indispensable, such as real-time monitoring of the safety of transmission lines through modern means, that is, transmission line anti-external damage devices.

DX-WPS100-JG3 Transmission Line Anti-External Force Damage Device, which can realize laser detection of foreign The device can realize laser detection of foreign objects crossing the line, judgment of the type of external damage to transmission lines, detection and prediction of destructive behavior, and assist in the real-time elimination of hidden dangers and hierarchical early warning.

After debugging and completing the installation in the corresponding position of the tower, the equipment is capable of laser scanning and analyzing the foreign objects crossing the safety distance, linking sound and light alarms to remind the scene in real time; immediately self-starting camera capturing the scene photos and videos, recording the scene and uploading them in real time to the monitoring center for the staff to view through the wireless network, and the user can also receive the external breaking alarm information through the cell phone SMS/WeChat at any time and any place. In addition, it also supports remote shouting, near power alarm and other functions.

Overall, low-altitude flying objects, line fires, oversized engineering vehicles into, foreign objects entangled in the cable, build illegal structures, forested areas, high tree growth pressure line, suspected of intentional destruction of personnel, tower settlement tilt and other transmission line external damage behavior, can not escape the "anti-vandalism device" of the "legal eye! ", real-time monitoring, is the transmission line channel corridor automatic inspection of the visualization.

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The online monitoring, distributed fault location and cable online monitoring equipment for power transmission and distribution lines launched by SHENZHEN DINSEE SMART TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. has been widely used in Southern Power Grid and State Grid, and has achieved good results.

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