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2024.7.31 transmission line tower tilt online monitoring device Equipment installation case

Author: Click:75 Time:2024-08-01

2024.7.31 transmission line tower tilt online monitoring device Equipment installation case

I. Project Completion Information

Installation project: transmission line tower tilt online monitoring device   Equipment installation case

Project time: 2024.7.31

Project completion unit: Shenzhen Dinsee Smart Technology Co.Ltd

The device adopts BeiDou navigation technology, combined with sensor and data processing technology, which can monitor the geological environment and disaster risk around the transmission line in real time. The device has high-precision BeiDou satellite positioning, acquires the geographic information of the line's location, and carries out a real-time comparison and analysis with the data collected by the sensor. Once the occurrence or warning signal of the pole tower is detected, the device will immediately issue an alarm and send the relevant information to the monitoring center through 4G/5G communication unit, so as to take corresponding measures in advance.

The device has the advantages of easy installation, simple operation, real-time monitoring and high-precision positioning. It can help the power sector to understand the geological hazards around the line in time, warn in advance and take necessary measures to ensure the safe operation of transmission lines. For the hazards brought about by geology, it is very necessary to install this device, which can not only greatly reduce the losses caused by geological disasters on transmission lines, but also improve the reliability and stability of the power system.

Since its inception, our company has been committed to the study of smart grid, is a technology development, production, sales and technical services in one of the solution providers, has for China's different voltage levels of power equipment to provide a full range of systematic solutions and products, so that the smart grid within reach.

Transmission line online monitoring equipment official website:http://www. szdx.com


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