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Intelligent Ground Spike丨Intelligent Ground Spike, support buried cable damage prevention and early warning construction

Author: Click:51 Time:2024-08-05

Underground cables and buried fiber optic cables are an important link between modern life and technology. However, with the frequent construction of

Underground cables and buried fiber optic cables are an important link between modern life and technology. However, with the frequent construction of buildings, people often worry about the question: will these deeply buried cables and fiber optic cables be dug up by construction machinery?

The answer is obvious:

Road project reconstruction, building construction and other engineering projects in the process, if the underground cable is accidentally dug up, the first thing that leads to is the power supply, communication interruption, the suffering is the surrounding households and businesses, in addition, serious or even lead to the cable bursting, blowing up the surrounding personnel. In addition, due to the high cost of maintenance of underground cables, once such an incident occurs, the probability of prolonged tug-of-war to the point of delaying the repair time is also quite high.

Especially fiber optic cables, construction accidentally digging off the cable, the construction unit will need to bear compensation, such as paying the cost of repairing the cable, the loss of fiber optic cable users, etc., resulting in serious consequences, the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China"  hundred and twenty-four provisions: destruction of broadcasting and television facilities, public telecommunication facilities, endangering public safety, shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of not less than three years and not more than seven years; resulting in serious consequences. shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a term of not less than seven years.


So, strengthening Early warning against damage to buried cablesis very necessary.

Intelligent Ground Spike DX-DLS100-B2, also known as power cable and pipeline solar energy Anti-external damage device, the appearance is a small cylinder about 20 cm in diameter, set it in the roadway above the buried cable, its shape will not stand out at all. The high-strength acrylic transparent panel cover provides barrier-free protection, and the next thing that comes into view is the power supply unit - solar panels and batteries, as well as the attention on both sides of the reminder signs.

Its kernel is more powerful, through the built-in high-precision multifunctional sensors to sense the road surface vibration pressure within a dozen meters around (artificial intelligence algorithms, automatic identification of invalid vibration of paving vehicles passing by), and the implementation of the early warning, the data signal through the NB-IoT network, no wiring, real-time back to the monitoring back-office, linkage of the cell phone WeChat applet to push the alarm information, when the inspector receives the text message reminder, he or she can immediately Go to the small program to check the location of the intelligent ground spike that turns from a green dot to a red dot, and rush to the scene through the navigation guide.

Smart SpikesIt's like the "guardian" of underground cables and fiber optic cables, always guarding these important infrastructures from damage. Its appearance not only improves construction safety, reduces the possibility of accidents, but also ensures the normal operation of town life. In this fast-paced era, with the help of smart spikes, we can enjoy the convenience and beauty of technology with greater peace of mind.

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