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Transmission line aviation sign ball, high-voltage lines on the “air alarm”!

Author: Click:55 Time:2024-08-15

Here's a little bit of science for you today haha. What is an aviation warning device?Aeronautical warning device is a new type of warning device

Here's a little bit of science for you today haha. What is an aviation warning device?

Aeronautical warning device is a new type of warning device installed on overhead transmission lines, towers, etc., to provide safety warning for low-altitude flight personnel. According to their functional characteristics, they can be divided into non-luminous aviation warning devices and luminous aviation warning devices. These devices include aviation warning balls and aviation obstacle lights, and their main role is to visually provide pilots with warnings to avoid collisions between aircraft and power transmission lines.

There is no understand a little? Do not understand it does not matter, I take our Dingxin Wisdom Technology's Transmission Line Aerial Marking Ball DX-JSS100- BZQ to give an example, can also be called reflective safety ball. This device is widely used in high voltage transmission lines, especially ultra-high voltage and cross-river transmission lines.

Its main function is to provide a warning effect so that pilots can clearly identify its position from a distance of 1-2 kilometers away in order to avoid collision with high-voltage conductors and ensure flight safety. It is also suitable for overhead transmission lines near airports, as well as ultra-high-voltage lines and large spanning lines such as across rivers.

This sign ball is made of high quality fiberglass, resin and other corrosion-resistant, heat-resistant, insulating, rust-resistant, dust-proof and waterproof raw materials with strong impact resistance. The colors can be customized, including white, red, orange, orange-white bi-color, orange-red bi-color and so on. Easy to install, hanging on the conductor, maintenance-free at a later stage; it will also not interfere with the normal operation of high-voltage conductors, and at the same time, it has anti-interference ability.

, its performance remains stable under various harsh environments, such as wind, frost, rain, snow and high temperature. The marker ball not only enhances flight safety, but also effectively avoids the potential safety hazards that may be brought about by the collision of low-altitude airplanes with high-voltage power lines.

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