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2024.08.16 high-voltage cable fault and hidden danger monitoring device Installation case

Author: Click:66 Time:2024-08-16

2024.08.16 high-voltage cable fault and hidden danger monitoring device Installation case

I. Project completion information

Installation project: high-voltage cable fault and hidden danger monitoring device   Installation case

Project time: 2024.08.16

Project completion unit: Shenzhen Dinsee Smart Technology Co.Ltd

In modern society, electricity is an important energy source to support our life and work. And the safety of high-voltage cables, as the main way of power transmission, is crucial. However, due to the complexity of the environment in which the cable is used, it is often affected by a variety of factors, resulting in the possible failure of the cable. Therefore, how to find and deal with these faults in time has become the key to ensure the safe and stable operation of the power system.

In order to solve this problem, researchers have developed a high-voltage cable fault and hidden danger monitoring device. This device is able to monitor the current and voltage of the cable in real time, and as soon as an abnormality is detected, an alarm will be issued immediately. In this way, we can prevent and deal with cable problems before they occur, avoiding safety accidents caused by cable faults.

Our company's innovative research and development of transmission and distribution line online monitoring device, overhead transmission lines, power cable safety equipment and intelligent mobile line visualization monitoring system, anti-mountain fire infrared monitoring device, transmission line anti-external breakage alarm device, line visualization monitoring, real-time monitoring of the state of the power line, power grid micro-meteorological monitoring devices, warning alarms, bird repellent devices, law enforcement recorders and other products have been widely used in the country. The products have been widely used in electric power related sites all over the country and received good feedback from customers!

transmission line online monitoring equipment official website: http://www.yzjngf.com


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